Hmm, eh, new rules in CZM about traveling with MJ

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Did you just show off on an internet forum about how you evaded detection from smuggling an illegal substance into Mexico?

At the beginning I had sympathies for you, being a vet and suffering in pain...but those sympathies are no longer.

They are in business to sell (deal) drugs. By their own admission.
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What "shortage of ethics"? Just because someone's ethical system does not align precisely with yours, that in no way implies that they have none.

My ethics appear to align with those of the dive operators, you appear to advocate for a lower standard, incompatible with safe diving.
Did you just show off on an internet forum about how you evaded detection from smuggling an illegal substance into Mexico?

At the beginning I had sympathies for you, being a vet and suffering in pain...but those sympathies are no longer.

...hey, at least they didn't smuggle explosives, maybe that's worth another medal ?
My ethics appear to align with those of the dive operators, you appear to advocate for a lower standard, incompatible with safe diving.
That's ridiculous, and it's pure innuendo. Irrespective of how things "appear" to you, where do you see a dive operator, any dive operator, say that it's "unethical" for someone to use MJ the night before a dive or that it somehow makes diving unsafe? Again, just because I don't agree with you, that doesn't make my ethical standards inferior to yours.

BTW, for the record and irrespective of my position on MJ use in general, I wouldn't partake of it in Mexico.
Whether or not Mexico ever decriminalizes possession of personal amounts of cannabis or legalizes medical cannabis is almost certainly irrelevant to the threadstarter.

Why? Because I can practically guarantee that any such regulations would apply specifically and exclusively to citizens, and possibly legal residents, of Mexico and not to tourists.

There are currently a number of things that Mexican citizens are allowed to do that you as a tourist or I as a resident are not allowed to do. Do not assume that all the rights and privileges available to Mexicans apply to foreigners.

I'm sure that any new Mexican cannabis regulations that decriminalize or legalize possession would at the same time make clear that importing cannabis into the country would remain a serious offense. Do not assume that something that's permitted within a country is necessarily permitted across its borders.

If you need a drug, prescription or otherwise, to survive or function then it's imperative to get clear official guidance in writing that says it's permissible if you're traveling to far-off places. Rumors on the internet don't count as official guidance. If you can't get such official guidance, then it's not safe for you to travel to that place. A significant number of things that are used without question in one country are banned in another. Some things upon which people in one country rely are completely unavailable in other countries (epinephrine autoinjectors - "EpiPens" - aren't available in Mexico, and you can't get epinephrine in pharmacies) and it's wise to be aware of such differences if they might affect you.

When I was a kid in Germany, one of the most consistently annoying things about Americans outside the USA was that they so often appeared to act on the assumption that the only rules that applied to them were American rules. Since my dad was a US military prosecutor, I can also note that they didn't seem to be all that great at following American rules, either.

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