Hmm, eh, new rules in CZM about traveling with MJ

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That's odd. So what's the protocol for asthmatics or a severe allergy?
Information regarding bringing medications into Mexico | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico
Individuals are advised to carry a copy of the prescription or doctor’s letter but it is still possible that you may be subject to arrest for arriving to Mexico with substances in these lists. Even medicines that are considered “over the counter” in the United States may be a controlled substance in Mexico and you can be arrested for bringing them into the country even with a prescription (for example, Pseudoephedrine, the active ingredient in Sudafed, is considered a controlled substance).

When I went to Cozumel last, I brought several prescription and nonprescription medications - including pseudoephedrine. I had them in a carry on bag inside a large ziplock. The mexican guys at the airport took our new unused disposable batteries but didn't complain about rechargeable or medicines.

Epi-pens are one exception but many drugs which are prescription only in the US are OTC in Mexico. One of my buddies got sick, and went to the pharmacy and bought meds that would have required a prescription here. He didn't have a problem bringing it back into the US, either.

AFAIK if your options are:
1. Risk bringing it
2. Buy it there (if available) and maybe leave it when you go home.
3. Do without / Rely on the hospital for emergencies. (My understanding is they require full payment before they will treat even life threatening conditions for Americans - I've had no personal experience).

Bottom line, it's a less than ideal situation all around. Pick a risky option or don't go.
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It's not that hard to draw up epinephrine in a syringe and administer that. Ones allergist can give one epinephrine for home use.
When epi pens experienced that huge price gouging a while back, did bulk injectable epinephrine get it as well, or was it just the convenient delivery mechanism?
Ah, I misunderstood. I read that epinephrine in any form was prohibited.

Thanks for clarifying/elaborating.

I did too.
That's ridiculous, and it's pure innuendo. Irrespective of how things "appear" to you, where do you see a dive operator, any dive operator, say that it's "unethical" for someone to use MJ the night before a dive or that it somehow makes diving unsafe? Again, just because I don't agree with you, that doesn't make my ethical standards inferior to yours.

BTW, for the record and irrespective of my position on MJ use in general, I wouldn't partake of it in Mexico.

I would say that without exception all LoB operators I've been with world wide state quite clearly NO (non perscription) Drugs.

Not aimed at the above poster:

My personal stand point is this: If I saw someone smoking MJ the night before diving, they wouldn't be on the dive rosta the next day - or if I were a guest, they wouldn't be my buddy.

The same goes for a beer during the dive day. End of diving.

If the person turned up in the morning smelling of beer - again no diving on the boat or as my buddy.

Before I get labelled as a puritanical teetotaller, for the record I toured with major music artistic all over the world for 10 years. I am confident to claim I made excessive partying a profession at times but within reason. Never before a Set build or tear down where there is a risk to other people

In diving I like a good night like anyone else and enjoy a beer or 3. But moderation is required. If someone is going to be irresponsible in the evening how reliable are they going to be underwater?

Vacation divers tend to push teh limits, because it's their vacation and they want to burn the candle at both ends. And I've witnessed people take a chamber ride because of it.

The most responsible divers I know are those that take themselves of the dive rosta after a big night.

Going back to MJ. This is a good article from DAN

Two highlights

To what extent will marijuana exacerbate nitrogen narcosis?
Richard Moon: It is well established that nitrogen under pressure causes cognitive changes and can alter reaction time, judgment and performance in a number of areas. The effects of nitrogen narcosis begin to be most apparent at depths between 80 to 100 feet of seawater, and they become progressively more marked as depth increases. We know that there is interaction between nitrogen and other gasses that can cause cognitive deficits, such as elevated blood CO2 levels. High levels of oxygen, such as might be experienced with enriched oxygen mixtures such as nitrox, may exacerbate nitrogen narcosis. Marijuana use, which is known to have adverse effects on cognition and performance, is likely to exacerbate nitrogen narcosis.

We do know that alcohol and marijuana act additively, and thus it would not be a surprise if the effects of marijuana exacerbated the effects of nitrogen narcosis.

How long after using marijuana should someone wait before diving?
Gillon: Like alcohol, marijuana should be undetectable in a person's system before he dives. When marijuana is inhaled at sea level, the THC metabolites have an elimination half-life of at least 20 hours and possibly up to three days. Some are stored in body fat, however, and have an elimination half-life of 10 to 13 days. Most researchers agree that urine tests for marijuana can detect the presence of the drug in the body for up to 13 days
Epinephrine is available in Mexico to doctors and hospitals, but is not available in pharmacies.

Autoinjectors were developed by the US Army using tax dollars under a program that makes resulting inventions available to industry to use. The materials and drugs involved are extremely cheap (I am not aware that epinephrine itself has had any price increase above its usual baseline of "almost free") and the vendor has had very low development costs. The previous price was outrageous to begin with. The increases are nothing but drug industry greed of the most repugnant sort.
Epinephrine is available in Mexico to doctors and hospitals, but is not available in pharmacies.

Autoinjectors were developed by the US Army using tax dollars under a program that makes resulting inventions available to industry to use. The materials and drugs involved are extremely cheap (I am not aware that epinephrine itself has had any price increase above its usual baseline of "almost free") and the vendor has had very low development costs. The previous price was outrageous to begin with. The increases are nothing but drug industry greed of the most repugnant sort.

Agreed, re: drug industry geed. But shouldn't some blame be laid at the FDA's doorstep? They're the ones that gave Pfizer another ~8 years to support Pfizer's "research" that just doesn't pass my sniff test.
I would say that without exception all LoB operators I've been with world wide state quite clearly NO (non perscription) Drugs.

Not aimed at the above poster:

My personal stand point is this: If I saw someone smoking MJ the night before diving, they wouldn't be on the dive rosta the next day - or if I were a guest, they wouldn't be my buddy.

The same goes for a beer during the dive day. End of diving.

If the person turned up in the morning smelling of beer - again no diving on the boat or as my buddy.

Before I get labelled as a puritanical teetotaller, for the record I toured with major music artistic all over the world for 10 years. I am confident to claim I made excessive partying a profession at times but within reason. Never before a Set build or tear down where there is a risk to other people

In diving I like a good night like anyone else and enjoy a beer or 3. But moderation is required. If someone is going to be irresponsible in the evening how reliable are they going to be underwater?

Vacation divers tend to push teh limits, because it's their vacation and they want to burn the candle at both ends. And I've witnessed people take a chamber ride because of it.

The most responsible divers I know are those that take themselves of the dive rosta after a big night.

Going back to MJ. This is a good article from DAN

Two highlights

To what extent will marijuana exacerbate nitrogen narcosis?
Richard Moon:
It is well established that nitrogen under pressure causes cognitive changes and can alter reaction time, judgment and performance in a number of areas. The effects of nitrogen narcosis begin to be most apparent at depths between 80 to 100 feet of seawater, and they become progressively more marked as depth increases. We know that there is interaction between nitrogen and other gasses that can cause cognitive deficits, such as elevated blood CO2 levels. High levels of oxygen, such as might be experienced with enriched oxygen mixtures such as nitrox, may exacerbate nitrogen narcosis. Marijuana use, which is known to have adverse effects on cognition and performance, is likely to exacerbate nitrogen narcosis.

We do know that alcohol and marijuana act additively, and thus it would not be a surprise if the effects of marijuana exacerbated the effects of nitrogen narcosis.

How long after using marijuana should someone wait before diving?
Like alcohol, marijuana should be undetectable in a person's system before he dives. When marijuana is inhaled at sea level, the THC metabolites have an elimination half-life of at least 20 hours and possibly up to three days. Some are stored in body fat, however, and have an elimination half-life of 10 to 13 days. Most researchers agree that urine tests for marijuana can detect the presence of the drug in the body for up to 13 days

Absolutely, people should not dive after drinking or ingesting TCH. What's interesting about this article is that DAN advocates that THC be 100% out of your system before diving. I would bet that plenty of us have been on the same boat with people who have THC in their system since it can remain there for many weeks. Having the same threshold for alcohol (100% out of your system) and THC does not make sense.

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