Information regarding bringing medications into Mexico | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in MexicoThat's odd. So what's the protocol for asthmatics or a severe allergy?
Individuals are advised to carry a copy of the prescription or doctor’s letter but it is still possible that you may be subject to arrest for arriving to Mexico with substances in these lists. Even medicines that are considered “over the counter” in the United States may be a controlled substance in Mexico and you can be arrested for bringing them into the country even with a prescription (for example, Pseudoephedrine, the active ingredient in Sudafed, is considered a controlled substance).
When I went to Cozumel last, I brought several prescription and nonprescription medications - including pseudoephedrine. I had them in a carry on bag inside a large ziplock. The mexican guys at the airport took our new unused disposable batteries but didn't complain about rechargeable or medicines.
Epi-pens are one exception but many drugs which are prescription only in the US are OTC in Mexico. One of my buddies got sick, and went to the pharmacy and bought meds that would have required a prescription here. He didn't have a problem bringing it back into the US, either.
AFAIK if your options are:
1. Risk bringing it
2. Buy it there (if available) and maybe leave it when you go home.
3. Do without / Rely on the hospital for emergencies. (My understanding is they require full payment before they will treat even life threatening conditions for Americans - I've had no personal experience).
Bottom line, it's a less than ideal situation all around. Pick a risky option or don't go.
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