Dude do NOT do this. Discounting the elevation gain, you are still offgassing nitrogen and have a reduced capability to supply oxygen to your muscles. Even light exercise can result in sore muscles and maybe worse. I've made this mistake (bike riding several hours after my last - no-deco dive) . I stopped at the first signs of tingling. I had never felt this sensation before, so I rested - but still got a little sore. The symptoms subsided quickly with rest. I'm in great shape, I run a lot - and I'm not prone to soreness on such an easy ride. I had no joint pain or any of the classic signs of DCS - but I was ready to consult a physician if any symptoms developed. Although the odds of developing full blown DCS aren't greatly increased when exercising LIGHTLY after diving (walking...) - there is a real possibility of damaging tissue on a strenuous hike with significant elevation gain! Why take the chance if you don't have to?