Hijacking! How good are you?

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Bye for now all -have some work to get done before Tuesday and tomorrow is pretty busy so will get at it now. Nice chatting. Talk to ya later

Nice to see you A talk to you again soon I hope... :hugs:
I didn't know there was a whistling one!

dont think there is ... just found that one on the net ... one day i am going to figure out how I can load those thing more easily than using the paper clip thingy .

they should have a personal library where you can just drag them into your post :D
Alright......I gotta run and get some groceries for the week.

I'm out of wet cat food and they are planning a takeover.

Nice to see all of you and I'll be around later.......

TTYL! :hugs:
I didn't know there was a whistling one!

easy type : then type whistling and another :

:whistling: voilla!
dont think there is ... just found that one on the net ... one day i am going to figure out how I can load those thing more easily than using the paper clip thingy .

they should have a personal library where you can just drag them into your post :D

Great idea! Put it in "suggestions"!
Alright......I gotta run and get some groceries for the week.

I'm out of wet cat food and they are planning a takeover.

Nice to see all of you and I'll be around later.......

kewl... :hugs: later dudette!


Here you go. He even has his own cell phone.

brilliant our official Hijack dog!:rofl3:
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