You might be overthinking this a bit; I suggest you go for the best deal. ALL regulators made and sold from major manufacturers are more than adequate for any recreational diving.
Yes, I do tend to overthink things like this.

In terms of service at home, please forget about the free(well, not really free) parts nonsense, forget the warranty, and just get the reg serviced when it needs it; probably about every 4 years for someone who takes a couple of trips a year, and cleans and stores the regulator well. Annual service on any decent reg is way overkill for a typical recreational diver. If you're doing 100+ dives/year, that's different.
Yeah, that's something I was wondering (about not needing service that often)... Losing the warranty doesn't sound good, but if the typical parts aren't all that expensive then I guess I could actually be saving money by not paying to have it serviced every year or two. Thanks for sharing your thoughts,