Thanks chrpai, I have been considering this also. I skimmed through the 23 page semi-heated discussion on these regs earlierThey sound like a great option too. I'm leaning a little more towards the ones that have some more history to them and independent reviews (would love to see them reviewed on, although it's clear many in the community here are very happy with them. I haven't ruled this out, but when some of these pricier regs can be found significantly discounted, I'm a little more tempted by them as there seems to be more of a user consensus and independent reviews behind them. Thanks!
If you can find an SP/SG at a great price, I'd do it. I know of two local tech diver / DM's in Austin who looked at Hog's very suspiciously and came away with the conclusion that they are switching. That's all I need. Oh wait, I actually went Hog first.

On a serious note though, these regs have been around for a few years now and there are plenty of data points to back up that they are good quality. Make me a +1 to that trend. I've had mine since May and have put about 30 dives on them since and they have been just fine.