Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

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Ber, I'm impressed! You're obviously MUCH stronger than I am!
I haven't fallen yet, but if I did, i'd roll over to one side, and move onto all fours with one leg towards the front and the other towards the back - basically moving up onto one knee. then i'd put one hand on my thigh (the outward leg), and the other on the hip (whose leg is back) slightly bend forward, supporting my back and tank with my arm and thigh, and stand up by pushing the forwards leg slightly back, and backward leg slightly foreward. Once i'm up, i'm slowly erect my back to a prone position.

Now that I think about it, this is a good thread. I'll add this "stand up" procedure to my off season practice this year, as something new. It'll be really interesting to see which technique works best.


I can get up in my gear (singles), but only if I can use my hands (ie get myself stable on all fours, then push myslef up.) One of regular dive sites involves an entry down a steep embankment of big jaggedy rocks - after a dive, I more or less have to crawl up the rocks on all fours until I get onto level ground (much to the amusment of my large strapping buddy) - I just don't have the strength for scrambling upright in full gear and a fall from a standing position would hurt my body much more than crawling up the rocks hurts my ego!
Based on my limited experience, I can get myself upright if I can get myself on all fours, which I've always managed thus far. It's not pretty, though.
I used to wonder whether I could get up. I found out a few months ago on a shore dive. In fact I found out I could do it a second time after getting knocked down by a wave after getting up. It did take effort and I know I probably looked pretty silly but I did get up on my own.
It's easier to not fall in the first place. All kidding aside, I frequently have to help my buddies to their feet on beach dives. It's common.

Ber, I'm impressed!
You'd really be impressed if you were to see Ber's legs, I know I was............
if i fell in a single, no prob.

but i actually have fallen in the doubles before. it weren't pretty! :wink: i was climbing out of the spring at little river, and tripped on a rock. bam! onto all fours. i got one knee up, but would still be there if not for this little frail looking older couple who got one under each elbow & basically steadied me on my way back up. so i'm with jeff, i could do it with some handholds. in surf, no way jose! then again, at least in a little water you don't have all of evil gravity holding you down...
My wife tore some leg muscles on a tricky slippery rocky exit last year so now she's very cautious about over extending hersilf. If she goes down she gracefully accepts a pull up. She usually dives a single HP-100.

She has also learned to keep the regulator in her mouth if there is a hint of risk.

I think we have all eccepted a hand getting up or out for one reason or another. Often it's the poor surface as much as the weight.

I can get up (HP120 and 22 LBS) on grass/pavement etc....I pick up things for my buddies all the time (they are 20 years older than me). Not sure about rocks, I think that would be difficult.

Edit: Opps sorry this is a Womens View thread. My wife had problems with the ladders with 24Lbs/80AL so I took her weights so she could get up the ladder easier. She could do it just easier without weight.
When I was first certified I ate it big time doing a shore exit in California in heavy surf. They don't teach shore exits in NC OW classes. No need for them really. Not much shore diving here. Well, I fell in water only about shin deep. After I finished tumbling I got up no problemo and then climbed up the never ending PITA stairs off the beach. :D I don't dive doubles yet but I already know I won't be able to get up unassisted.

if i fell in a single, no prob.

Hmmm....I seem to remember this particular shore dive in NC when exiting that you rolled around a bunch screaming "Yippee", you then turtled and had a particular male dive buddy fall on top of you. LOL!! Sorry, couldn't resist. That was a funny day. Yep, busted my butt exiting that day too. :D

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