I wonder how many people who thank you for your post actually lobbied to protect Ducomi from development.
Divers from outside of the PI's will read this thread with dismay (especially since Ducomi was portrayed as the Philippine 'best'macro dive site - equivalant to Lembeh, Sulewesi).
For me, I thank you for doing everything in your power to protect this important place, but hold others in contempt for doing nothing when they could have 'stuck out their necks a 'bit' to do something.
To make this clear; I accuse many Filipino divers who are simply ineffectual regarding lobbying the government/local officials to protect their own environment.
IMO, Filipino divers can do much more to protect sites like Ducomi (Duma, whatever the name).
The fact for us is that they simply do not care - a sad indictment on Filipino divers.
However, as many divers in the PI's live in the most polluted city in the World, then I can understand why their expectations/actions to preserve the good dive sites here are low/lacking and mean nothing - just words.
Maybe these people (they know who they are) can say what they have done to protect/conserve/develop their environment for scuba diving in Manila or in other places?????