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Just a thought but...

Yes, wetsuits are bouyant... but not buoyant enough to keep a struggling diver in a non-working BP/wing which is -10 to - 14lbs head above water.

If someone is 10 to 14 lbs Neg. then they are not properly weighted in the first place.

They still make bP/wings and back inflates that face plant everyone. They all do this unless counter-weighted (trimmed out.)

Last ime I checked this was the position a diver is suppost to be in. And being that a diver is under the water more time than on the surface is the reason for that position.

If it ended - no one told the manufacturers. They still make bP/wings and back inflates that face plant everyone. They all do this unless counter-weighted (trimmed out.)

Have you ever been diving in a rear-inflate? BCD or BP/W, doesn't matter. You will faceplant (at the surface) without a doubt...IF you over inflate. I don't know about you, but properly weighted, it doesn't take a whole lot to keep me at the surface. Maybe a couple of small blips on the inflator. If you need a full wing to keep you up, check your weighting killer.

My problem is that you do need more advanced training with these... trainign which few people bother to receive. They read on boards like this one how its the "in" thing to dive... go out and buy them and never get that training.

What kind of training are we talking about here? Do I need that Cave 1 class I've been dreaming about, or possibly a hypoxic trimix class to help me dive a rear inflate BCD? Get a clue. It's the 'in' thing because they are effective, simple, and easy to keep up.

Does he really need a BP/Wing for shallow warm water diving a couple times a year?
Does he need to buy it without knowing the least thing about trimming it out?

Why not? A SS plate plate, simple hog harness, and maybe some bungee for some back up lights would be about as simple as it gets. Infact...that's exactly why I bought what I bought in the first place (gasp!)...a recreational BP/W! No more cluster ******* on the boat trying to get various clips and retractors and crap stuck on my BCD (rear inflate). Do I use it for more 'technical' training now? Absolutely. Do I still take it when I go diving with my family on a boat in 30 fsw in the Keys? You bet.

/rant off
If it ended - no one told the manufacturers. They still make bP/wings and back inflates that face plant everyone. They all do this unless counter-weighted (trimmed out.)

My problem is that you do need more advanced training with these... trainign which few people bother to receive. They read on boards like this one how its the "in" thing to dive... go out and buy them and never get that training.

As an example - a guy called me today wanting to buy a DR Transplate/Wing. He just got certified - in a jacket style BCD... but he read in a forum that the BP/wing was the way to go. I told him he needed some addtional training time with the set up and should work with someone knowledgeable in BP/ wings before using one. I wasn't simply trying to sell him a class - he lives in a different country. He said he'd look into it ... but he was buying it to keep on his sailboat for diving in the carribean a couple times a year.

Does he really need a BP/Wing for shallow warm water diving a couple times a year?
Does he need to buy it without knowing the least thing about trimming it out?

Get Real Guys...

I can't believe you are an instructor.

Oh wait...I do. Thats the sad part.

I guess if it would help if people remembered your "OffTheWall clears up all of the misinformation on scubaboard" thread. LOL

Plus he is a believer of spareair.

At least I hope he carries it. Makes it easier to spot him.
there must be a ****load of unhappy bp/w divers out there... having their faces constantly shoved in the water on the surface
i wonder why they're so quiet? they must be ashamed of not taking the further training... damn and blast them.

I have been quiet too long. I have lived with the shame of continous faceplants caused by my lack of BP/W training long enough and I'm going to be the first to come forward for help, hopefully others will follow.

Offthewall1, please show me the light, will you be my BP/W specialty instructor?
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Offthewall1, please show me the light, will you be my BP/W specialty instructor?

and would you get a badge for it?

Like my handy dandy DIR badge? Shameless spam I know :wink:


I MUST have one! :14:
offthewall1's logical and well thought out posts have convinved me to get ridd of all my BP & Wings and purchase 10 x wrap around BCD's that will protect me from vicious frontal shark attacks.

WTS 4 BP, 3 Halcyon Evolve Double Wings, and 4 Oxycheq Singles Wings. $7
WTB 10 x Awesome Wrap-Around BCD's with frontal shark attack protection - I will give my first born for such awesomeness.

Oh, did I mention I like Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream ?
Yes... not only am I an Instructor... but a damn competent one who thinks far beyond most others on this board. Like it or not... what I say is true.

Merely being a [damn] competent instructor does not automatically make your opinions or beliefs true.

Merely saying that they are true ... does not make it so.

Only clearly, well thought out, logical and PRACTICAL arguments can do that. And quite frankly, yours were not. Just my opinion. :wink:

P.S. Great news! My instructor told me he'll give me a special. Only half price for my Face-Plant speciality if I take my EAN21-In-The-Pool speciality with him!
Merely being a competent instructor does not automatically make your opinions or beliefs true.

Merely saying that they are true ... does not make it so.

Only clearly, well thought out, logical and PRACTICAL arguments can do that. And quite frankly, yours were not. Just my opinion. :wink:

I also tend to question those who constantly need to tout their "greatness".

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