Has anyone been to Fantasy Island, Roatan?

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Thanks for the advise! I'm now a bit scared about the diseases......I'm starting to regret my decision a bit...and wish I booked Cozumel instead....I did go to the other forum on Bay Islands and read the Malaria thread...of course there is mixed opinions but being the over-protective mom, I'm not sure the risk is worth the dive so-to-speak...I'm allergic to most medications and if there are side effects...I usually get them!...so taking the meds before I go probably isn't an option....I will talk to the dive shop and see what they say...I wish they told me this before I booked the trip!..
Do you often seek medical advise from dive shops...? :shakehead

No, the only real concern about health at FIBR is don't touch the animals ever, and take the prevention antibiotics. I have never heard of anyone having a problem with the one used to prevent malaria in Cent Amer. Physicians and Pharmacists sometimes substitute the med for Asian malaria when they don't do their homework - I have had that pulled on me, but you can get the name of the med yourself from the CDC link I gave above and talk with your doc & druggist to make sure you get the right one.

Many take kids to Roatan - usually to Antony's, without problem. School kids are often have all the other vaccinations already, altho adults may need to consider some.
No I don't generally take advise from dive shops but was more interested in their opinion since they have been there a few times...I really really don't want to take malaria drugs to prevent it...not to repeat myself but I'm really really sensitive to drugs, even over the counter drugs and don't care for side effects (I usually get them, unfortunately). I didn't realize that Roatan was a risk for malaria. I'm not a world traveler and I'm new to the ocean diving world and never thought to ask about such things. I did go to the CDC link Roatan is obviously on the list for malaria. Is it not the dive shops responsibility (whom recommended the place and booked the trip for me) to at least advise me on it before hand?
Sorry, Juli - I guess my joke was a little insenstive.

I've been to Cent America with 3 different US Ops, and none have warned me that the area is a malria risk. I sponsored one trip there myself, and made it very clear that it was - even tho most US travelers don't seem to worry about it enough to take the meds.

Even tho you seem to be upset about the news, and I may have made this worse :blush: - again, sorry, at least you did get the truth as soon as you asked. That's why we have SB.
I was at Fantasy Island, Roatan just this past Sept. I didn't do the meds but a few of the others did. Even went on one of the canopy tours (it was more work then I expected. No one came home with any med problems. The sand fleas did get me. You got to put the DEET even under the shorts, they got my thighs pretty good. Had a great time down there, didn't hit the town. They had some other stuff you could sign up for at the office. Food was good, coffee wasn't hot the first few days. Had a great DM that pointed out all the small stuff, well have to get out my dive logs to rem his name. The monkeys are fun to watch. I really didn't worry about catching anything. You well have a great time.
I didn't take it as harsh...it is hard to explain "attitude" in an email...I thought you brought up a good point...so I called DAN and got a few more opinions...of course they said to take the meds...but I'm opting to not take them and go...I feel more comfortable talking with a couple people I know who have gone...I think my risk for side effects of the meds is worse than my risk of malaria..I will let you know when I get back and hope I don't eat my words...haha....In short I have had some serious side effects from many different drugs most simple over the counter stuff like childrens tylenol! and cough syrups...and vitamins! believe it or not...so wish me luck!..[/

I'm new at the forum stuff but I was answering DandyDon...

This scubaboard... I have to say is GREAT!...
Sounds great. Just use lots of DEET, early and often. Spray at the airport as soon as you exit, before you leave the room, after diving before you leave the docks, right before sundown, and so forth. Do not do the canopy tour or go to Coxen's Hole. have fun. ;)


Sounds like I should skip the showers and shower in DEETS haha....Maybe they should just put it in the water....haha...Can you buy it there? Or do I need to take ALOT with me...
If you are that sensitive to other things, I would be careful about over using something like deet. Covering up may be a better idea. Mosquitos where I am here are only really an issue early in the evening and in some shady areas where there is little wind. There are probably a lot of areas like that at Fantasy Island though.
Like some people have mentioned too, deet isn't all that good for the reef.
Whatever you do, just come and enjoy...I think the sandflys will be your biggest bug problem.
These suggestions from above look good....
My LDS is putting together another massive (65+ divers) trip next year... we went in June and there was plenty of room for everyone of us and the other guests as well.

Get a bottle of 100% DEET and mix it with suntan/coconut oil so it stays on your skin longer. Or get something called Green Ban http://www.greenhome.com/products/pest_control/personal_insect_repellants/102324/
Works wonders (better than DEET) and smells pretty good, not like bugspray.
I certainly would not count on buying there. Take everything you need, then buy souvenirs.

Have you ever been ocean diving? Got a Safety Sausage, Storm Whistle, Mirror - just in case? (Here I go again, upsetting the newbie!)



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