Dang! There are just two of us and we are here on Maui now - going on the Molokai dive tomorrow with Lahaina Divers. We do have a lot of experience, and they seemed to do a good job making our group of experienced divers...a couple years ago I remember we got to dive our air/profile - we went down with the group but the two of us and the divemaster were the last ones to come up...so hopefully that will be the case this time, and hopefully we'll be able to get in the water first!
The "rebreather guy" was on our trip a couple years ago too - I bet he sees so much down there without the bubbles scaring critters away- jealous!!
Thanks for the advice and hopefully I'll have some cool photos to post in a couple days!!
I'm so excited!
The "rebreather guy" was on our trip a couple years ago too - I bet he sees so much down there without the bubbles scaring critters away- jealous!!
Thanks for the advice and hopefully I'll have some cool photos to post in a couple days!!