S. starfish:
Yea, CO was one of my first guesses too, but the symptoms, aside form tunnel vision, don't really match up, also when you think about it it doesn't really make that much sense. The problem with CO is that it bonds to hemogolbin 200s stronger than 02 and doesn't let go, preventing any 02 from bonding. If we had been breathing contaminated air in the car then once we got out and quite breathing it all the hemoglobin that could be occupied by CO would be once we hit the water. So correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't being under pressure and having more 02 dissolved in the blood plasma make it easier for us to cope with any CO inhalation before diving? Also, if we'd been breathing contaminated air down at 90ft and beenacting all loopy wouldn't the chances of us blacking out from hypoxia in shallow water be great enough for at least one of us to black out?