Halcyon, Xdeep, OMS, Audaxpro, Aquatec, DGX - value & longevity?

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If Aquatec is local to you and affordable, just get that. After a couple of dives, you won’t notice any meaningful difference between all your options. Also, if there are equipment issues, they can be more easily worked upon with local support.
Thanks, I am still considering that as well, I'm just torn between the voices that say a backplate and wing is the same and there isn't much difference, and the voices that say high quality isn't cheap! Thank you for one more vote for the former!
Looks like the price is pretty much comparable to euro prices. Maybe 40-50eur more. So I think you're pretty good.

The process with xdeep is, you get your config from the website if you're making a custom one, and you give it to your dealer, and it should be roughly the price that is stated on the website.
Thanks, good to know, I'll just buy local if I choose xdeep then!
I wouldn't get the Traveler Pro System. That model has been discontinued. It had a nylon backplate with these odd weight pockets on the plate. As someone mentioned earlier an Eclipse System would be cheaper than the Infinity System. However, I read you can get a deal on an Infinity System so that would be the way I would go. The difference between the systems is the Infinity has the cinch plate to allow you to easily adjust the straps, usually comes with ACB pockets and the padding. The shoulder and back padding does add buoyancy; I measured at 1.4 pounds in fresh water. All considered I think you would be better off with the Infinity rather than the Traveler Pro.
Thanks Joe, all very good points you made, I used to live in NYC so didn't do much diving except for the occasional dive trip, where I would dive once a year in a great location for maybe 10-20 dives and then not again until the next dive trip somewhere a year or two or maybe even 3 years later. But now that I live in Taiwan, I have the opportunity to dive every weekend if I want, in the NorthEast coast within a 40 minute drive, with the diving season between April and September, and can go south if I want to dive year round. I guess I should go with the Infinity or Eclipse as I can use it frequently, without the compromises of a "travel" BCD, and just deal with the weight if I travel. Just curious, what was wrong with the nylon backplate and "odd weight pockets" on the Traveler?
Not sure if this was mentioned before, but f traveling with it, you might consider the xdeep Ghost too. It's made with that in mind and is cheaper than the Zen. I have it as my every dive setup and love it.
Thanks for the suggestion - Ghost does seem nice for travel, I'm just tempted by the expandability of the larger BCD in case I ever want to dive doubles.
I would not discount the advantages of the stainless steel plate. Warm water diving usually means you will be diving alu80’s. A SS plate weighs in at around 5 pounds, this will nicely offset the 4 lbs of positive buoyancy of the aluminum tank. This also places the weight in an ideal spot over your lungs. When comparing quality, you really need to break the system down into the individual parts. The backplate, STA, and other assorted hardware will last until the next ice age, there really is nothing to break as it’s all made out of stainless steel. The webbing will last at least a couple thousand dives, when it finally wears out or it “shrinks 😉”, it will cost you under $20 to replace it. Any metal cam band with a metal buckle will last for thousands of dives. That leaves the wing; any reputable brand should be fine. I would go as far as to say the Taiwan OEM built wings are as good as anything out there. So I would say go with the best value, in the water you won’t be able to tell the difference between any of them.
Thanks Andy, was going to ask the dealer what they would suggest for local diving, might go for a SS plate if they suggest it as well. I usually can use 8 pounds of weight with a 3mm wetsuit,
So I hear you, sounds like you would vote for best value as there's not much difference in backplate wings harnesses. I was hearing that Halcyon's Infinity with their cinch system was very easy to adjust, put on and take off - not sure how are other harnesses are. If they are all pretty much the same I might be tempted to go with Aquatec again.

BTW, I found a local dive shop who also happen to be an authorized dealer of Halcyon's and they rent the Halcyon BCD's for the same price as jacket BCD's - only caveat is that it's obviously limited supply and has to be reserved in advance and fitted to you before the dive day. They had 1 left to rent for this weekend, so I will be visiting them to get fitted and pick it up tonight. Only $13 a day!!!
Thanks Joe, all very good points you made, I used to live in NYC so didn't do much diving except for the occasional dive trip, where I would dive once a year in a great location for maybe 10-20 dives and then not again until the next dive trip somewhere a year or two or maybe even 3 years later. But now that I live in Taiwan, I have the opportunity to dive every weekend if I want, in the NorthEast coast within a 40 minute drive, with the diving season between April and September, and can go south if I want to dive year round. I guess I should go with the Infinity or Eclipse as I can use it frequently, without the compromises of a "travel" BCD, and just deal with the weight if I travel. Just curious, what was wrong with the nylon backplate and "odd weight pockets" on the Traveler?
The backplate had a built in single tank adapter and the weight pockets on the plate. I heard the pockets were a pain to get the weights in and out. Below is a picture of the plate that was on the system. It was designed for single tank travel diving. I would just get the Infinity system if that is what you can get for a discount. Also, make sure all the extra things are included.


  • Halcyon Traveler Pro.PNG.jpeg
    Halcyon Traveler Pro.PNG.jpeg
    108.2 KB · Views: 103
The backplate had a built in single tank adapter and the weight pockets on the plate. I heard the pockets were a pain to get the weights in and out. Below is a picture of the plate that was on the system. It was designed for single tank travel diving. I would just get the Infinity system if that is what you can get for a discount. Also, make sure all the extra things are included.
Thanks for the photo, I see, will take a look in person and see how hard it is to get the weights in and out. Isn’t that mainly for trim weight anyway? Wouldn’t the main weight be held in their ACB pockets on the belt? the Infinity I can get for $1125 (about a 10% discount off list here), while the Traveler Pro can be had for $835 (about 21% off list).
Thanks for the photo, I see, will take a look in person and see how hard it is to get the weights in and out. Isn’t that mainly for trim weight anyway? Wouldn’t the main weight be held in their ACB pockets on the belt? the Infinity I can get for $1125 (about a 10% discount off list here), while the Traveler Pro can be had for $835 (about 21% off list).
Since this was a travel plate the pockets on the plate were intended for the weighting. That system didn't come with the ACB pockets included. They were an optional add on so take that into consideration because the ACB pockets are pricey when buying separately; $159 in the USA. Also, that BC was for a single tank only. I would stay away for the Traveler Pro system.
Since this was a travel plate the pockets on the plate were intended for the weighting. That system didn't come with the ACB pockets included. They were an optional add on so take that into consideration because the ACB pockets are pricey when buying separately; $159 in the USA. Also, that BC was for a single tank only. I would stay away for the Traveler Pro system.

Got it, if the adventurer pro with the carbon fiber backplate is about the same cost, is it worth getting over the Infinity for the weight savings? Or does it have any disadvantages? Thanks!
Got it, if the adventurer pro with the carbon fiber backplate is about the same cost, is it worth getting over the Infinity for the weight savings? Or does it have any disadvantages? Thanks!
It might be if you are looking to save on weight. You can even get it with aluminum hardware rather than stainless steel. The STA and the cinch system are molded into the pro version of the carbon fiber plate so that saves weight and space when packing. However, you are going to need to carry more lead since it is about 5 pounds lighter than a stainless steel plate with a STA. The plate can be used on doubles. They are very cool looking too. However, I think they are more expensive but check out the prices and what they are including with each system.

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