That does seem like a cheap option... just wondering if I'm sacrificing any quality, or is it all just bells and whistles? If I'm going to go cheap, why not just buy a local brand like Aquatec with local support, service, fitting, complete? Thanks for the link - I have bought several things from that local retailer at their store.just buy a generic plate/harness off aliexpress and the oms mono wing separately. should be under 400 USD that way and you don't have to deal with shipping/importing the DGX (unless if you can pick it up while back in the US or have someone bring it to you)
OMS 27 lbs Performance Mono Wing 背囊 - Scuba Warehouse Taiwan 專業潛水裝備店
OMS 27 lbs Performance Mono Wing背囊 OMS Performance Mono Wing 是一種外觀相似甜甜圈式的背囊,當潛水員對BCD充氣時,空氣可以快速且平均的在背囊空間內,讓潛水員有較於舒適且好操控的中性浮力。