RTodd:The Peli lights are not DIR, the bulb overvoltage is a bad idea. The Photons (which are made by a friend of mine) are overkill build quality wise. That is both a compliment and a complaint since it results in the lights being unnecessarily larger. The biggest reason for the photons poplularity is probably that they don't have an H on them so those with a chip on their shoulder can say they took their business elsewhere. (Once again, no problem with that, Chuck is doing quite well tapping that market.)
The biggest mistake made is these are all backup lights. Not primary lights. The requirements for backups are different.
I've used one of my PTs as a 'primary' light in benign night dives in open water, and was quite happy with the performance. I had the other as a backup.

You should suggest to Chuck to make a 'cap piece' for his light body containing a ballast and an HID bulb, which someone can buy as an add-on. I'd sure like one, as it would give me a simple one-piece HID light.