Halcyon files for "DIR" Registered Trademark

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Uncle Pug once bubbled...

I don't think most of the folks who are ruled by their emotions would find GUE training to their liking.

Yes, but those of us who are ruled by our emotions will understand and appreciate those little details in life.

You know, love, passion, and fun, to name a few.

I hate to have to give those up, so I guess I won't be taking _IR-F, either.

Moderators, here is a thought, have a forum for agency bashing. Any threads that head that way, kick 'em over to the "I hate PADI, DIR, SSi, GUE, NAUI, NAACP, ACLU, AUDIBON, AUTOBAHN, BON JOVI" forum.
Yeah, Jon Bon Jovi, I hate that goober! Where' the forum for that?

I am sooo gunna flame that one out! Yeab baybeee! Bon Jovi sucks! *Snicker*

PhotoTJ once bubbled...

Yes, but those of us who are ruled by our emotions will understand and appreciate those little details in life.

You know, love, passion, and fun, to name a few.

I hate to have to give those up, so I guess I won't be taking _IR-F, either.

Moderators, here is a thought, have a forum for agency bashing. Any threads that head that way, kick 'em over to the "I hate PADI, DIR, SSi, GUE, NAUI, NAACP, ACLU, AUDIBON, AUTOBAHN, BON JOVI" forum.
GQMedic once bubbled...
My gripe is making the phrase "Doing it right" being JJ's exclusive "thing".

I think it will be more of keeping others from using the term and Halcyon will just continue to call itself "The Doing It Right company". I don't see how JJ has any choice.

Apparently, the DIR wars have left some serious scar tissue.

GQMedic once bubbled...
I knew I would get flamed for speaking out against it. So, it's exactly what I expected. The thread has taken so many different directions, it's challenging to stay in target with what my gripe was originally. I knew personal attacks would be a part of what I'd see in reply, but, hey, I'm pretty thick skinned.

If anything I have said appears to be a personal attack, please accept my apology.

GQMedic once bubbled...
Ok, your right, JJ is not where the bulk of the DIR commandos are coming from. But, the commandos do DIR a great disservice with thier comments. Instead of showing divers what they believe is a "better way" to do things, non DIR divers are hammered with the name "Stroke" and far worse.

Much of that comes from the free-for-all that is the techdiver list. I've exchanged email with George Irvine III and with Tom Mount among a bunch of others and things calm down considerably outside the "big room". I'm told George is that way in person as well. I've met JJ and he's the nicest guy you'd want to meet.

As near as I can tell, Tom Mount's agency has gotten away from him. Running a technical diving agency has got to be like herding cats.

I've been jumped by the DIR commandos as well. They back off pretty quickly as I'm a retired Navy Senior Chief with the vocabulary and disposition to prove it. I'm six years out and I still go from sage to curmudgeon to turboprick at a rate that defies the laws of physics.

One of the things that deeply concerns me is the number of people whose diving is based on someone else's say-so with no thought of their own. One of the things George preaches is "no metal-to-metal", meaning there should be a way of cutting yourself out of an entanglement even if a boltsnap jams shut.

One guy on techdiver was trying to figure out how to eliminate the metal-to-metal connection between his manifold and tanks.


Apparently, no agency is without these folks. I've met many divers whose thought process begins and ends with "I was trained to..." with no logic applied.

I guess it all boils down to that there are kooks all over.
Saddam Hussein has fans and Santa Claus has enemies.

The DIR message really gets mangled by some of the messengers.
Don Burke once bubbled...
They back off pretty quickly as I'm a retired Navy Senior Chief with the vocabulary and disposition to prove it. I'm six years out and I still go from sage to curmudgeon to turboprick at a rate that defies the laws of physics.
Oh, man that is some funny s**t! Thanks, Senior, that made this ex-AMS-2's night!
It looks like this is a topic that people all have a view on.

.. waiting for the surface interval to be over...
Cave Diver once bubbled...

The thing that strikes me funny about this statement is that you are going to keep trying new things, like your Air2, but you are going to reject an idea simply because it strikes you as silly.

I already said that I am inconsistent in my statements! :)

However, regarding the bungee there are threads I have read here of people having problems just putting a bungeed octo together. Also the whole point is to make the thing easy to find. I have no problem finding my Air2!

Regarding the long hose aroung the neck, I did choose to go to a 5' hose on my primary regulator for my OW diving because that idea for OOA made a lot of sense. Tucking the slack under a shoulder strap works. Fashioning a noose out of it leaves the regulator aimed at the back of my head if I route the hose under my arm and leaves the hose flopping around if I go over the shoulder, and that's before I get in the water!

Bottom line is I have bought the concept of thinking about what I am doing and I while I read the tech threads looking for better ideas to adopt in my OW diving, I am not going to blindly follow every idea I read somebody else has adopted because it works for them, when recognizing it won't work for me.
sharpenu once bubbled...

Thousands of businessmen felt that slavery was the way to go. Was it right?

Millions of Germans blamed Jews for the state of German affairs.
Was it right?

Just because someone else feels that his way is right for him, does not mean it is right for them. Let's not bow down to the "SCUBA :censor: "---"No dives for you, one year!!"

Normally when reading a thread late into it's development I try not to reply to early posts. However, this is way over the top.

You think you're so clever making these comparisions but the sad reality is that you're showing the whole board you lack the reasoning skills of a high school sophomore.

GQMedic once bubbled...
Did you even READ my post? *dubious look*


Obviously... hence my response... which is more than I think you have done since you're still having difficulty differentiating between trademark and copywriting terminology... perhaps you should re-read WJL's post... the devil's in the details...

(not-so) clueless in Ohio,
cornfed once bubbled...

Normally when reading a thread late into it's development I try not to reply to early posts. However, this is way over the top.

You think you're so clever making these comparisions but the sad reality is that you're showing the whole board you lack the reasoning skills of a high school sophomore.


It's a shallow fall back for when you have no fact and only animus.

With apologies for singling him out, he's simply atypical anti-DIR.

Notice he's been asked for his opinion on actual discrepencies more than once, but has nothing to contribute other than "DIR is BAD. DIR guys are MEAN".
I think GQ WAS going to take a DIRF. I think that his first post was intended to be tongue in cheek and meant to be sarcastic. But after all the hits he's taken here I think that he might have a bad taste for DIR. I think that he is now less likely to try it out. If GQ wasn't anti-DIR before I can see how he might be anti-DIR now. I think that's a shame.

GQ, I think that you're a very funny, sharp witted and clever guy. I think that you really are interested in what you might get out of DIR because I think that you are very serious about diving in general.

I envy you. Ocean...sun...chicks...you got it all. You also have GUE training right in your own back yard. Look up MHK or Tamera and take a class. I think you'll have a blast...with or without the T.

How unfortunate it is that this venue often brings out the worst in us. I bet if we were all on a boat off the Channel Islands we would be diving our a$$es off, having a ball. I bet we would make some lasting friendships...and we could still disagree about things!


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