Halcyon files for "DIR" Registered Trademark

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jonnythan once bubbled...

Later in the same post by GI:

WTF? He says use the same gear for all diving, then says to use a short hose in OW?

The truth is out there.

I don't know where I find this stuff.

It's in the alchohol sodden recesses of my 1750cc Cro-magnon brain.
jonnythan once bubbled...

Later in the same post by GI:

WTF? He says use the same gear for all diving, then says to use a short hose in OW?

He says that you dont have to use the long hose. Most people using a DIR system still prefer to use their 7' hose for open water scenarios also. Some of them use a shorter 5' hose and a few may use a standard length hose. Regardless, they still normally use the bungied backup.

That keeps the equipment configured the same, so you're reaction to an OOA situation is the same. Donate primary, go to backup around your neck where it's easily found.

The reason for a 7' hose in cave diving is because it facilitates air sharing in single file, necessary when exiting through a restriction.

In open water you wont have to be in single file, so you dont have to have a 7' hose.

The emphasis is to use the same gear configuration. That doesnt mean you have to have the exact same gear. Donating the primary and going to a bungied backup would qualify as the same configuration in my book, even if your primary is on a shorter hose.
JohnF once bubbled...

Might he have been saying that if you don't dive overheads, you don't need the long hose and a pair of backup lites? He's simply saying that it's more efficient and cost-effective to dive one setup only, whether it's a cave setup which is the most versatile, or an OW rec setup if you only dive OW rec style.


How'm I doing, John? Relatively accurate?
Stephen Ash once bubbled...
Give us a little history on the George Irvine/Tom Mount thing!


Ooooh. I was waist deep in that (in a word: Narcissism). I had been certified about 90 days at the time. Gotta pm that one.

I can't argue against that there's obviously something to DIR, clearly, there is. I felt pretty stringly about my original post enough to stand by it and let the chips land where they fell. At the same time, mis post in some of my posts here, I called up some DIR instructors and picked thier brains.

I was pleased that they were able to explain things in a acceptable manner that makes sense. I was pleased to know that my non halcyon rig still falls under DIR and that the DIR guys arn't going to take me out behind the dive shop and beat me with ticklesticks because I'm not sporting halcyon lables.

I still think making the phrase "Doing It Right" JJ's OWN is kind of silly, but hey, it's not like my opinion is going to change anything.

Do I think a DIR-F class could teach me something? Sure, but, I certainly don't want Halcyon rammed down my throat in the process.

roakey once bubbled...

That would be a nice change of pace, versus the weekly and sometime almost daily "The World -v- DIR" that we get in in this notes file, which is *exactly* what the base note of this thread is all about, slinging mud at DIR.

"If you can't blind them with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshoot."

Just go off and read the DIRF reviews. Can that many divers, some of them that have been diving for years and having a large amount of experience, be all wrong?

Hmmmm. Maybe there is something to this DIR thing after all, since experienced divers have written that they've had their eyes opened! Maybe instead of expending all my energy fighting DIR tooth and nail, slinging snide coolaid remarks arond, I should just shut up and try it! Maybe I could actually LEARN something and even if I don't end up subscribing to the whole DIR philosophy, I could improve my diving! Maybe they're some divers out there that actually know more than me and could teach me something!

In the words of Steve Martin: Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...

jonnythan once bubbled...
WTF? He says use the same gear for all diving, then says to use a short hose in OW?

My version of this is to use the 7 foot hose with my doubles regulators and the hose that I bought back in 1988 as an octopus hose on my single regulator.

In both cases my secondary second stage is on the short hose that came with the reg.

It beats the crap out of wrenching my reg setups apart every time I change between single and doubles.

I'm still breathing the long hose.

7 feet is handy sometimes in open water, but not necessary.
Custer once bubbled...

How'm I doing, John? Relatively accurate?

I'd say so. Some folks find it impossible to accept that DIR isn't all about the gear. Rather the gear is all about DIR. DIR is a state of mind, a philosophy of diving, a set of logical protocols designed for safe and effective diving. I think that's what you're saying too. A lousy diver can be Halcyon from head to toe, 7' hose and bungeed secondary, Scout lites, canister and all, and still not be DIR, and of course there's the corollary to that.

Uncle Pug,

While we've already addressed I make many of my decisions on how I feel about a given matter, you made the supposition if I took GUE training that I wouldn't like ir, nor excel in it. I can't answer either one of those until I actually DO.

Being the "emotional" person that I am, perhaps I'll take the DIR-F class just to spite you! *chuckle* I might just stick on a pair of blade fins, hook up a 7 foot hose to my primary and a bungee necklace to my octo and back kick myself into gleefull abandon as well as hover upside down and do mask clears and reg recoveries. (Adding drama for amusement)

Uncle Pug once bubbled...

I know it is asking a lot of a fellow who makes most of his decisions based on emotion... but make an exception and try to look at your statement above logically.

You admit that you make most of you decisions based on how you feel. I had already surmised that and stated that your decision not to take GUE training was a wise one.

GUE training is very logical... IMO you would neither like nor excel in it.

That wasn't bashing... that was a statement of fact (which you agree with) and an assessment of your compatibility with GUE training based upon that fact and my exerience with GUE.
JohnF once bubbled...

I'd say so. Some folks find it impossible to accept that DIR isn't all about the gear. Rather the gear is all about DIR. DIR is a state of mind, a philosophy of diving, a set of logical protocols designed for safe and effective diving. I think that's what you're saying too. A lousy diver can be Halcyon from head to toe, 7' hose and bungeed secondary, Scout lites, canister and all, and still not be DIR, and of course there's the corollary to that.


You know me well.

See you next week?
Oh, I'll brew something fun up next. I am seriously considering a DIR-F class, but I'll be the one wearing a t-shirt that says in bold print "STROKE POWER" just for the weird looks I'll get in abundance.

Stephen Ash once bubbled...

GQ...your posts often make me smile...so definitely keep it up.
And...that wasn't the real Uncle Pug that posted those remarks...it's a weekend and he's out divin'...must have been a Pug poser!

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