Guppy Gulch

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I am thinking about diving Guppy Gulch this weekend with my daughter. I have never been there and was wondering if it worth going. How is the visibility? and What is there to see? Can anyone fill me in?
I last dove there in April.
The water temps at the surface were 40 degrees and the only marine life I saw were catfish holding under the training platforms.
There are some orther things to see there like (if I remember correctly) a bus or mobilehome and a few boats on the bottom but if there are students there at the time, odds are it'll be silted out.
If you get there reasonably early the vis should be OK. There are several platforms in the shallow end, and boats, motorcycles and a bus. The bus and larger boats are in deeper water, and below the 2nd thermocline. Bottom temps run around 41 or so degrees. The deepest part of the quarry is 85 ft deep. It is referred to as the black hole, and there really isn't much to see down there.
You should take your own food and drink, as it is a bit of a drive to get anything.
Hope this helps.
Go to Bainbridge.

Guppy is something like $13, but you get what you pay for.
Go to Bainbridge.

Guppy is something like $13, but you get what you pay for.

I can vouch for the viz being bad at Bainbridge...but I'll be there tonight!:D
The Wednesday night diving!

I did my first night dive there a few weeks ago. Frankly I think you may have been there teaching.

I was frankly surprised at how many more fish came out to play in the baby pool!

Now if we could get some Zebra muscles in there and those dive platforms that Dutch has, that would be cool.

The only thing that I like about Guppy, aside from the cost, is the fact that you can do a giant stride entry. Other than that, keep it. Cold, dark, the facilities leave a lot to be desired. The exciting thing is the lawnmower in the hole at 85ft. Not my bag baby.
Tales from Guppy Gulch — Delta, PA. This is the website for Guppy Gulch quarry. Maximum depth is 80ft. visibilty atleast to my knowledge is way better than other quarries such as Bainbridge, Dutch Springs, and Willow Springs. The water temp. at maximum depth stays in between 35-42 degrees F. So make sure you bring a hood, gloves and boots so you don't freeze at max. depth. I am actually making my last certification dive at the Gulch, which I have heard great things about.
Things to remember about Guppy Gulch:

1. The owner says "No Naked Mud Wrestlin'" but I think he'd be OK with it.
2. It is a good place to go to do a wreck certification, The Damn Phool sits in 55 ft of water and can be penetrated. It is usually in the low 40's F down there with vis ranging from 1' - 10'.
3. There are facilities there - but nothing special
4. If you get there before the OW classes start - Vis can be really good - 20' - 40' I've seen.
5. On a rare occassion fresh water jellyfish show up
6. Not much other life there except for a few bluegills and a couple of catfish.
7. You can get to 80' - but you've got to have a screw loose to want to do it
8. It is a great place for beginners - as they're quickly introduced to "low vis" diving. If you can successfully dive here - you can dive anywhere - it (the vis) only gets better from here
9. They just sank another boat... but I haven't seen it yet
10. The best part about it - at $15 a head - it's a cheap way to get wet in the region
Thanks everyone. Still on the fence about it, since I am taking my daughter we may head to Dutch.

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