The earth may well be on it's way to a Malthusian catastrophe and the human ego or naivete foolishly believes it is possible to have control over the earth and environment when the one act that humans can not control that will eventually lead to catastrophe is procreation and over population unless some outside force such as disease, famine, war or astronomical event (asteroid or comet strike ) either severely reduces or eliminates the human race. Simply add oil and land to food in Malthus' postulata.
(quote)Thomas Malthus
I think I may fairly make two postulata. First, That food is necessary to the existence of man. Secondly, That the passion between the sexes is necessary and will remain nearly in its present state. These two laws, ever since we have had any knowledge of mankind, appear to have been fixed laws of our nature, and, as we have not hitherto seen any alteration in them, we have no right to conclude that they will ever cease to be what they now are, without an immediate act of power in that Being who first arranged the system of the universe, and for the advantage of his creatures, still executes, according to fixed laws, all its various operations.
Assuming then my postulata as granted, I say, that the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio.
Malthus 1798, Chapter 1, [3] (quote)
Malthusian catastrophe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oil depletion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia