GUE Rec Triox class report

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We have another RecTriOx class tentatively scheduled for the first weekend in Feb. 04'. If there is anybody in or around Sacramento and would like to the class PM me and we'll get you in before the class fills up. Also, if there is anybody who would like to take the Fundamental class, we have one scheduled for the first week of Nov. and there are only a couple of spots left. :)
boomx5 once bubbled...
I really underestimated the difficulty I would have with trim and bouyancy while air sharing with no mask and trying to ascend and hold a stop in a low visibily environment while not drifting into the up line.

i am feeling more confident the more i read........not
:rolleyes: :D
In my previous posts I may have made it sound like the instructors were harassing us; they were not. The did however help to simulate different senarios in a controlled environment. Never at anytime did things get out of hand or were there any scary moments. If there was something that the instructors saw that they didn't like we would thumb the dive and discuss the situation on the surface. Never at anytime were my valves turned off, my mask taken without my consent, regulators ripped from my mouth or any such foolishness that gets rumored about on the internet. Infact Mike thumbed the last dive of the weekend because he saw my frustation in a particular situation and decided it was time to "call it quits".

I just wanted to clairfy theses things just incase anybody was persuaded to not take the class because they were worried about getting messed with by the instructors. I am open to discussion if anybody else has any questions.
even IF the instructors were harassing me, i dont think that is what bothers me, i like a challenge, it is rather my own skills that i am not sure about. I am hoping i will recieve my other suit before the class as i have a major issue with venting the suit i dive now which makes ascents a PITA.
sometimes i just have a tendency to set my own personal bar higher than i should :) without giving myself the time to practice enough

we'll see, i am very much looking forward to the class.
sheck33 once bubbled...
even IF the instructors were harassing me, i dont think that is what bothers me, i like a challenge,
we'll see, i am very much looking forward to the class.

Well if it's harassing you want, then it's harassing you'll get ;-), you may want to be real nice to Sonya since she'll be videotaping, I'll just be creating the havoc and it's too late to be nice to me ;-)

See you next week..

Michael Kane
i should learn to keep my big frigging mouth shut :wacko:

pleazzzzzzzzzze Mike, be gentle with me ;-0 :) don't matter....

I think I genuinely had mike concerned about me (as a sane individual anyway) after day 1.
I'm confused. At what point in the RecTriox class do you stop learning fundamentals and learn about Triox?
Rec Triox builds on fundamentals.

Andrew described it on Day 1 as giving you the tools to safely, dive deep in a recreational setting.

You should have most of the fundamentals skills down by the time you take Triox. It obviously covers Triox, both mixing and physiology, but predominantly its about buddy and team awareness, and managing problems that can arrise when diving to 120 ft.

MHK should jump in here if I missed the point.
My theory is that you never stop learning the fundamentals.....they are always going to be there, and they are always going to present themselves in a new situation.

That being said, I don't think there's a whole lot of difference from a recreational standpoint to diving Trimix vs. EANx vs. Air other than NDL times. It would make common sense to me for you to still be doing a deep safety stop, and then stopping a 30, 20, and 10 on the way to the surface.

I am guessing that the biggest benefit helium gives you is extended bottom time at depth XYZ with less N2 loading and it is easier to offgas than N2. So as for "learning" Trimix, I don't see it being a whole lot differnt than "learning Nitrox"

Of course I could be completely wrong.

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