GUE Rec Triox class report

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Funny you should menton that, Since we did the experience dive up at Tahoe, Andrew did joke that for a small extra cost we could have the all new GUE Altitude specialty card along with the newly concieved lightning diving specialty. :D
Yes indeed. Funny how funny everyone finds the GUE instructors. It'ss cute how the instructor can make a joke about raping you blind while you laugh and chuckle. Isn't it great to be liked. David Copperfield can make the Statue of Liberty disappear, can Andrew?
ERP once bubbled...
Funny you should menton that, Since we did the experience dive up at Tahoe, Andrew did joke that for a small extra cost we could have the all new GUE Altitude specialty card along with the newly concieved lightning diving specialty. :D

The vis in Tahoe was incredible, and when you could see the lightning from 35' underwater that was very cool.
I’m almost certain it’s not DIR (unless i charge enough), but if you’re bold enough, I’ll let you dive off of my boat into 110’ with vis to the top so you can see a summer lightening storm. I only ask that you take a copper bonding strip with you as an up line (and to ensure my electronics get pampered).
sheck33 once bubbled...
oh boy, i'm taking the class in 2 weeks :wacko:
i'll focus on getting as much out of it as i can and let all hopes of passing go :wink:

Then don't pay any attention to the two men behind the curtain posting inaccurate and misleading reports about certain events that "may" go wrong ;-)


MHK is right....there is nothing that "may" go wrong....I guarantee you something will go wrong..and then when you think all is well, something else goes wrong....I promise....there is no gray area here...things are guaranteeed to happen:eek:ut:
Hi all, I noticed the class report on a local board where MHK had reposted it with the original poster's permission.

A question for ERP (who took the class):

Could you expand a little bit on exactly what you weren't able to do that resulted in you not passing the class? You indicated it was buoyancy-related ... is it, like, to pass the class you have to be able to hold your position within a depth of X amount and do a mask removal and air-sharing, but your depth was changing too much? Or something else? It would be interesting to have more detail on this.
Both myself and my Buddy were new to doubles, I had 3 dives on mine he had more like 8. My buddy was also having problems dumping gas from his wing (again this was a equipment familiarity issue) and the net result was that we could not consistently perform a controlled ascent while sharing air.

If you have your ascent/descent drills down while sharing air, and you can deal with a failure or two you will most likely pass.

Your instuctors going to take you to 100ft+ and he's not going to do that if you can't demonstrate that you can get back safely.

Interestingly the other team had a real first stage freeze up on their experience dive, and it apparently was handled very well.

I was Rob's dive buddy for the class and I think you pretty much nailed it on the head. Prior to the class I had trained quite a bit so I may get the most out of the class. However, most of my training was in a single tank setup. A couple weeks before the class I decided I wanted to start diving doubles. I figured it was probably my best opportunity to learn to dive them the right way with Mike Kane, Andrew Georgitsis, Marc Hall and Joe Talavera around. Unfortunately, though I thought I was fairly comfortable in my doubles, I really underestimated the difficulty I would have with trim and bouyancy while air sharing with no mask and trying to ascend and hold a stop in a low visibily environment while not drifting into the up line.

I'm confident if I were to have taken the class in a single tank setup, I probably would have passed because of my familiarity and comfort level in the gear. However, (and I've told Mike this) I am much happier failing the class in a doubles setup than pass in a single tank setup. Getting the valuable input on diving a new setup and the proper way to dive that setup while under the watchful eye of some of the best instructor around was more than worth the price of admission.

Again, if someone is interested in doing Tech1 but thinks that Tech1 is to great a step, I would recommend the RecTriOx class. I like to think of it as "Tech1 Light", and it is the perfect stepping stone to prepairing you for Tech1.

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