Mark Michaud SELAUSAR
Nowhere in this thread have *I* said anything about saving divers from themselves.
You are accusing me of positions that other people have, that I don't share.
I don't care who dives Wakulla. I'm just tired of this particular argument. Contrary to your assumptions, I would love to see someone on one of these threads finally do the work to get their own permit to dive Wakulla so that the argument would go away.
Since you are unwilling to do the work to get to the level necessary to dive Wakulla and you're unwilling to devote any effort to the permitting process, your contribution is worthless, and I'm pointing that out.
I'm not George. I'm not even Dan Volker. I don't share their opinions. I just want to know if there's a point to this thread and if anyone is going to finally step up and do the work? Otherwise you're just having a fine argument with yourself about how we're all evil George-clones, and that's fairly boring to me.
Please stop, you're hurting my feelings