If you were active in tech or cave in the nineties, you would have seen a very different dive industry than today. Tech and cave agencies were actually teaching dangerously stupid behaviors and suggesting gear combinations that actually led to many deaths.
15 years later, the outbursts by George regarding the stupidity of using color coordination for gas switches ( red, greens, pinks, blues, etc) would not be seen as harsh--they would be seen as statements of the obvious.... If you saw an instructor telling a tech student to use colors that you could not differentiate at depth, for gas marking and switches, would you say" excuse me, my esteemed collegue, but I think you might consider a different system"...or would you decide there was no need to sound like a politician, when you see criminally negligent ideas being instilled in a student who may die from them this very day!
The same could be said for George rampaging about a tech instructor that put his students in heavy steel backgas, with two heavy steel stages, and had them wearing a heavy wetsuit on a 280 foot dive. Today, if you were in George's shoes, "Should" you be polite if you saw this on a dive boat, or heard it being suggested as optimal gear by a tech instructor on the internet...or, should you be pissed, and should you treat the offender as a dangerous fool. Today, a huge number of George's rants have given way to a change in thinking. Today, most of those ideas are shared by everyone in tech and cave circles.
Should George have been obnoxious in those circa 1998 posts? Back then, he was competing with ad budgets of Training agencies that were disseminating dangerous ideas. Again, today many of those ideas have changed to what George was indicating as essential. Back then, George used a WWF Wrestling personna, to get listened to on the Internet...and it may well have been the only way to compete with the big ad budgets ( with no budget) and with all the prostituted print magazine articles of the period. George was heard, and he did change things.
It was also alot more fun to read through his posts, than typical posts we get to read through these days....There was no political correctness cr*p, no censored copy, nothing but hysterically funny diatribes and rants.
The nineties are over. No one posts that way any more. We don't have the threats or the need for what George did in the nineties.
There is no real comparison to then, and now. GUE has trully become the Kinder, Gentler form of an organization, and there never was any connection between George and GUE.
This whole arrogance thing is a mis-read, due to your being absent from the nineties as an active cave or tech diver. On a dive boat, George was never anything like the internet personna, and never arrogant. I was a little worse in the nineties than I am now, so if I annoy you now, you'd have really hated me then

But arrogance was not in the mix...it was seeing many tech dive instructors and agencies as predators, and our belief that they would be klilling people with dangerous ideas, if we did not get through to the dive masses. There were only so many ways to accomplish this, and politeness would never have worked. Much like TV today..there are some things that the media goes crazy over, and it rarely will involve polite behavior.