I thought there was a mav that could be added to allow offboarding. Maybe I'm mistaken.
I assumed the class was taught with both a long hose and bungeed second. Sounds like no.
There is a MAV for offboarding any stage with an LPI connection. My stage and deco regs all have one and I carry a LP to LPI cheater in my wetnotes.
The class is taught with a bungeed secondary and a long hose. BOV can replace bungeed secondary if you want.
The 50s are limiting, but they're perfect for open water, which is all I have locally. So the amount of actual cave CCR diving I'll do over the next year probably won't stress the range of the GUE config. Eventually there'll be a need for longer range bailout, but that's a bridge I'll cross when I get to it. It's been figured out already, so it's not like I'll need to reinvent the wheel to learn sidemount bailout configuration.