greeter team

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I think that it's great that people take the time to welcome the new members to the board. I remember when I made my first post - and the welcome I received was very encouraging for someone new to this "community" and diving itself.

As for increasing their post count - I hope no one thinks that the number of posts a person has made is necessarily an indicator of how "important" or "valid" they are above anyone else. It is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes it can be an indicator of someone with tons of experience that is willing to share - and sometimes not.

My post count is quite low, considering I joined back in 2001. It's just a function of time - I wish I had more time to contribute and yes, peek in at the Introductions section to greet people. But I don't, so I'm glad that other people have the time to make the new members feel welcome.
OK kind of thought this would happen its has nothing to do with the number of posts, I just don't like the big name GREETER thinks its tacky looking. it has to do with respect and to be honest If I was new member and (was one time ) I wouldn't want to see the same post on another new member post this makes it looks like a computer generated post , that was my point. I had seen four like that in last month, never stated didn’t do a good job. Why can’t we call them something else or why even call them anything just keep introducing yourselves
Hmmmnnnn WalMartBoard? Will it work? Can we make it fly? :D

We are open to suggestions for a different title... give us a few to mull over!
Just my 2 cents..... when I joined in July there was not 'greeter team' and I was very grateful to those who bothered to send me a welcome note. If we only reply to those greetings that come with a specific question, then those following the suggestions to put a greeting post to make themselves known to the community will be made to feel a bit 'unwanted'.

In my case, I got few posts back, but at least two of them were from members overseas. To an expat like myself, that is even better as you immediately know that this is truly an international board where you can mingle with people from all walks of life.

The more personalized greetings that are being sent now are much nicer, and I for one appreciate their efforts (and there are lots of people joining everyday). If you are invited to a party and nobody says hello, it will be much more harder for one to start a conversation with anybody, right?

I am glad this has been brought up. Although all the greeters are nice folks and mean well, the welcome posts are so generic. they basically say the same thing. And sometimes its like they don't even read the new members post. The new guy will be asking a questiona nd members are saying hi, glad your here and try to answer the questions and then you get a greeter in there that doesn't even look like they have read the thread and posts something generic, but for maybe a line or two. Does seem so impersonal.

And I know we should becareful of what kinda advise to give people over the interent. If someone is untrained and specific diving adivise is given I would hate to see anyone get in trouble, but don't tell someone that you need to fill out a profile before their question is answered. Even if the profile is filled out, its the internet, they don't have to be honest.
Just found this...?

Blame me - it's all my fault! :D

Our goal in the Greeter Team is to make sure that everyone gets welcomed - by at least a few members. We try to make SB a better place even than when we found it, in our small way. Like it was said:

If you are invited to a party and nobody says hello, it will be much more harder for one to start a conversation with anybody, right?
This is exactly why I greet, wy I recruited others to help make sure everyone got a few welcomes, and why we try to help today.

Just my 2 cents..... when I joined in July there was not 'greeter team' and I was very grateful to those who bothered to send me a welcome note.
Oh, there was, and had been for some time. Just unoffical. You actually posted your Intro in August, right before we got recognized, and if you go back to that thread - you'll see that some of the members who greeted you are now recognized at Greeters. Most important, though, I'm glad you felt welcomed, and I like to see you greeting others now like you do.

I typically only respond to posts in the Intros and Greets forum if I have somthing that can be of some use to the person who initially posted.
How about we cancel the Intros forum, and have the system tell SB-newbies to post a question somehwere first? Yeah, that'd be friendly.

I will speak to the Team about trying to personalize their greetings. I've been guilty of that, to be sure - to the point that some thought I was actually a computerized greeting that automatically popped up.

For now, I'd like our critics here to try an exercise, if you would:
(1) Why don't you greet each and every new Inro, every day, and see how soon your greetings get to be the same. There are about 15 a day, so you may want to work on your creativity.
(2) Then take 5 days off, come back, and catch up - greeting 75 new Intros.
(3) Take your laptop with you over a holiday weekend so you can continue greeting from the hotel.
(4) Then tell me how bad we are - okay?

And I'll have to run it by the Team for approval first, but I think we'd be fine without the badges. We'd be friendly anyway. :shades:
The badges are fine... you are a part of the SB team! We don't need stealth greeters! :D

The Greeters also let us know if a post is better put elsewhere... that is, if it has a particular question that a different forum can answer.

The more I deal with "administrative tasks" the less I get out to just meet people. We have come a LONG way in the few years I have been with the board, and much of that has happened since last December, when I finally announced my ownership. The awesome team of volunteers (Mods, Docs & Greeters) that REALLY make this place rock are the real reason we have come so far so fast. We ARE the 800 pound gorilla when it comes to discussion forums centered on Scuba!
I do need to apolgize. I am so proud of the Team and their selfless giving, that I tend to get defensive when their good work is critized.

We'll keep being friendly, but work on our quality.

Have you greeted a new member today? :bigglasse
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say Sorry if some feel like the "welcomes" aren't personalized enough. It sure doesn't mean they are not welcome! I'm not trying to rack up posts either, just making people feel as graciously welcomed as I have been. Being on Scuba Board is awesome! Just thought I'd give my 2 cents as a greeter to keep this the friendliest place for divers. Divers are my kind of people. Take care all. From Matt :balloon
I think the intro forum is a good Idea.
I just started on Scubaboard a few months ago, it was the 1st time I ever posted on any board and so I didn't know a lot of the "rules." And there are probabely a lot that I still don't.

I didn't have any idea that there was a "profile" to be filled out until someone said, hey, fill out your profile.

Having people reply to my little hello post kinda got me started a little bit.

Now when I have a few minutes between tasks at work, and I log on to scubaboard, if I notice that there is a post with only a few replies that is just saying hello then I say hello back.

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