Vickie and her family were at Ground Zero for Frances, everything in her home soaked, and the shelter they were in was damged so badly that it was comdemed.

eepwalla Glad they didn't need it for Ivan. But she did tell me as she was packing for the shelter that she was taking her computer, so I guess she saved it. She got internet back today, and pop: There she is, greeting new Intros. Her hubby, Darrell, also on the Team, is still doing his Sherriff's Deputy thing, but I bet he'll be back when he can.
I have been thinking lately of how luck I have been to have recruited such a nice bunch of folks, as everyone on the Team is indeed super people. It finally dawned on me :idea: that my lucky was starting right. Long before there was a Team, I PMed members who I had noticed greeting new members - simply because they wanted to, it should be done, and they wanted to do it - about serving as designated greetrs for when a new Intro might pass by with less than 5 welcomes. I simply started with great people, the best way to get a great team.
It'd be super if everyone who posted on SB would greet just one new Intro every day they logged in, but until that surprisingly happens, I am grateful for a great team. :medal:
BTW, we are taking requests for a new name, other than Greeter. Yet, we want new members to know that we are very approachable, if they need any help with learning SB, so it's got to be as friendly, if not as corny...? :526: