Greatest Fear?

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I think I summed up my greatest fear in a post I wrote on another forum:

My greatest fear is laying there in a bed as my body wastes away, thinking about all the things I could have or should have done in life. When Death comes for me, I don't want him to catch me sedately dying at home. I want him to catch me living, and I want him clutching his chest, out of breath, after running his bony behind off to overtake me.

So true. I remembered when i turned 21 and someone told me that the body starts to die at around 20 to 25. so I started having this quarter life crisis. to tell you the truth. Im glad i am having it, because these past 4 years have been the best of my life. I mean i did a lot when i was younger, but only now am i really appreciating it and trying hard to enjoy at least part of my day every day. i never let myself into thinking, "im too tired" or "its not perfect so Im not Diving" I always hate it when people say they are bored. there is so much to do, even the simple things like tending a garden, or making things out of wood, down to just teaching a dog new tricks or hanging out with the family, or best of all read the bible. I always hope to encourage people to do the most with their life, because there is so much to enjoy on the wonderful planet. but like i said, my greatest fear is Regretting not doing something just because of a little laziness.

oh, and squirrels, i dont ever trust squirrels.
I had a question to that as well. how do you vets handle new people? i mean, I wouldn't want for the world to mess up anyones dive, and want to learn as much as I can especially if I get paired with a good veteran diver. I don't want to ask too many questions or forget a step or procedure. just me being new I guess.

If I'm diving in a familiar area, I actually enjoy diving with new divers - it's fun for me to help them improve their skills and learn how to enjoy diving, besides showing them some really cool stuff. Don't worry about asking questions. We've all been there. It's better to ask "too many" questions than not enough - otherwise your buddy may assume that you are more experienced than you really are. The more you dive the more comfortable you will be. Stay in your comfort zone and within your limitations and you will have more fun than you could ever imagine. :azvatar:

Oh - my biggest fear is not being able to help a buddy in trouble.
my biggest fear is to have to watch something bad happen to a buddy.
Let me get this straight.... You got scared at a quarry, and damaged your truck during the escape??

No, i didn't get scared. Well maybe a little.... my buddy was pretty hot and her jealous husband was getting out of jail the next day. The scratches were from the bushes, and buffed right out.
granted i am still a fairly new diver but i have an extreme fear of getting tangled in a line and ending up trapped in a cave, wreck or whatever. I seriously don't think i will ever do wreck or cave penetrations because of my fear. i have to be able to see the surface. It is wierd though.
Tell her that it makes you safer:eyebrow:. Be suspicious if she sais you can't afford it, due to the new insurance policy that she has just taken out:11:.

Safe dives

haha the safe thing has actually worked for me a couple times:D
Its pretty much been said before, but leaving a buddy that I can't rescue (for what ever reason) and having to go for help.

When I dive, I accept a calculated risk that something may go wrong *for me*; I try and plan for what if's, but the idea of having to leave someone to get help, not knowing if I can find someone/Something fast enough....that's my fear.
I'm afraid of terrifies me to think that I might get stuck in an elevator and plummet to my death, although I'm sure the odds are, like, a zillion to one.

That and potatoes. Well, just the vines that start growing out of weeks-old potatoes. It's just creepy...really creepy.

Oh, diving fears? Oops...:D

I know this sounds silly, but at 50 dives, I'm finally starting to feel like I actually know what I'm doing underwater (at least on occasion). I can plan and lead a dive in familiar waters, my non-silting kicks are pretty good, and I'm starting to task-load myself and feeling pretty OK about it. What I'm scared about is that I'm going to start getting complacent, and whammo! I'm going to do something incredibly stupid underwater and look like a moron, or worse, hurt myself. As I'm starting to accumulate dive time and experience, I find myself worrying more and more about this...

I guess worrying about this can be a good thing, though, because it decreases the odds that I'm going to become complacent.

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