Hi Jeff. To be as simple as possible. Jim Montcalm and I have been buying all the lines, hardware and buoys the last 5 years. The dive charters supply no buoys or hardware. Currently, the buoys and line not in use are stored at Jim's house. In fairness, the Rec Diver is made available to place buoys and has always been super helpful but we are subject to its schedule and availibility. No other charter or divers provide anything although we do plan to take it up with them as soon as this Great Lakes State Park stuff settles down (which it may be now).
The association is the Straits of Mackinac Shipwreck Preserve Association, Inc, a Michigan non-profit corporation. I am its president. Jim was very committed to promoting diving in the Straits and did it forever. I am too but there is a limit. When things you provide and have never been paid for are used to risk injury to a shipwreck, that is pretty much the limit.
Jim drowned last year on Labor Day on the Newell Eddy. That leaves me. The supplies were purchased on the theory that someday the association would pay for them. That has never happened. We are in about $2500 on supplies and buoys.
On knowing what is going on, the association has tried everything it can think of. It holds an annual Treasure Hunt the second week in August (8/12 this year). We sold a field guide in 2004 and tried to get the people to become "members". About 3 people remitted dues the next year. We published a newsletter and sent it to everyone on the Rec Diver's customer list for the previous 3 years plus anyone who ever attended the Treasure Hunt (several hundred people). We specifically asked for buoy contributions. We got nothing back but postage charges. We have tried selling bumper stickers. We had to give them away. We have recently sold t-shirts but we only make about $4 on each one sold. Basically, we are still struggling to get divers to pay anything. At one time the air station raised the air rate by $2 that was supposed to go to the association. It never did.
We have a plan to place a block on the Sandusky and have for 3 years. We have the block. From NOAA, we have a plan on how to set the line on the buoy to properly hold a boat as large as the Rec Diver. What we need is a method to safely place it on the bottom. We have a location picked - the port stern that is free of debris and she tilts slightly to port at the stern. Basically, the system resembles the Tobermory model.
The problem is placing the block safely. As you know, we cannot just drop a block and hope it lands where we want it. That means using one of the 2 marine contractors in the area. Durocher in Cheboygan is one. The problem is money. These folks do not and cannot work for free. They carry significant insurance coverage and have minimum requirements to comply with work conditions and their insurance. The Rec Diver is not really suited for it because of, among other things, the configuration of the dive platform.
Frankly, as long as things run along smoothly, no one asks why it does. The charters never have been inclined to ask for more money on top of the charter fees - understandable but short-sighted. We have told divers individually while on the charter boat before that we need money. Nothing happens. Honestly, the Association is thinking that if people start to notice the buoys are not being put out and jugs are replacing them, someone will ask why and want to do something. Unfortunately, I do not believe the charters are mentioning this is happening.
Please do not think I am being too hard on you individually. I do not mean to. We are very frustrated because of the effort we put into trying to raise money and buy buoying materials. We have bought buoys from a pawan shop in Salt Lake City and had them sent by Greyhound bus, I drove to Lake Geneva, IL to pick up a truckful of used buoys two years ago, we regularly buy buoys and line off ebay and from governemnt liquidators. Perhaps it is our mistake to not have been this specific before. But we have not been shy in asking for donations.
I am sorry to say it, but divers on the whole are not real aggressive about spending money on things they do not see as a high priority. The thinking here is that if we stop "enabling" them by giving away what they need to contribute to, then they will ask questions and get involved in finding a solution.
Janet Peterson at the Chamber office in St. Ignace is the Association Secretary/Treasurer. If you want to contribute to something in particular like placing a block on the Sandusky, you can send a donation to her marked for that purpose. The Association pays no salaries or expenses so whatever is sent goes to Association activities all of which relate to either buying buoys or raising funds to pay for them (like the Treasure Hunt).
I just unloaded on this because I have an on-going dispute this year about the wisdom of continuing to buoy the Sandusky and this is all coming to a head. The Department of History Arts and Libraries and the DEQ have both asked us not to buoy it until a block is placed. They never have been very fond of divers but they have a legitimate concern here. The charter will not stop doing it so we are reduced to sneaking out there and removing the buoy. We have already done it once this year and will continue as long as she is at risk.
Call me at 616-402-0493 if you want to talk or email
straitsdiver@hotmail.com. If you want to get involved, we sure would be happy to have you. Best wishes.