Grand Cayman Dive Shop Recommendation?

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I have dived with you. I think you have a very high level of service. My (admittedly vague) memory of your rental gear is that is was similar to everyone else's. Maintenance is not the only issue here - all rental gear I have seen is towards the lower end of the price/quality spectrum.
I cannot speak to any other shops but I had a good long discussion last night after a dive class with several instructors about Divers Down in Grand Cayman. Each said the quality of the rental gear at Divers Down was top notch and that from their personal experience the gear is changed out regularly. They also confirmed to me that the DiveTec gear can be sub par if you get the older equipment. "It is a crapshoot"

Now I do have a bit of a favoritism for the people at divers down because I have went diving with them a lot. I have not noticed the gear personally though because I use my own but I have not seen a single gear failure while I was with them nor heard a single gear complaint

A little more info that is factaul and not speculation to help you out.
I just flew american and I packed a carry on and a backpack with all my gear. it can be done without checking. only downside was my tusa zooms had to stay home. force fins are next on the menu to correct that. rental fins suck too.

also keep in mind with rental gear, do you think they are going to pony up $700 US for a top shelf scuba pro or sherwood to rent it out for $15? Think about it.
Both my son and I have dived with many different operators on GC, most recently two weeks ago with Jason at Ambassador divers. Our experience with Jason was quite positive and we found all of his gear to be in good shape. No one experienced any equipment malfunctions on the days we were diving with him and no one complained about any of the rental equipment either openly or "just between divers". We also used rental equipment up at turtle farm and at Sunset House on this trip and did not have any issues or problems with their gear either.

I would have to repeat that we have had similar experiences with various other dive operators in GC on other past trips. Maybe we were just lucky to have somehow missed a bad experience, maybe not. Frankly I am known to have a bit of a critical eye, so minor details do not tend to escape me easily.

Like any business I think we all have to understand and appreciate that dive operators are not going to be buying $800 BC's to rent for $10 a day. Similarly we also have to recognize that they are going to try to get as much useful life out of their equipment as possible before replacing it. Most dive operators are small businesses and they depend upon repeat business and referrals. People who have a good experience tend to tell few people, those who have a bad experience tend to tell everyone. A smart business operator doesn't want anyone bad mouthing him/her and he/she certainly doesn't need or want the liability that would come his/her way if a piece of equipment did fail and someone was injured or worse. Like what was previously posted... if someone doesn't like the quality of rental gear or is worried about the maintenance history it becomes a perfect time for them to step up and take responsibility for owning and maintaining their own gear.

Anyone making negative accusations simply based upon the aesthetics and without considering what the constant use, sun, and salt water exposure does to the appearance of equipment isn't being very realistic, in my opinion. How a piece of equipment functions is what is really, really important to me and hopefully to anyone who is a serious diver.

In all fairness to the dive operators on GC I think anyone who has had a negative experience with gear should quantify what was wrong and why. Broad generalizations do not help and only serve to unfairly spread rumors. Anyone who has actually experienced an equipment related issue with rental gear should report what happened candidly, honestly, and objectively. Let's also not forget that when we are discussion equipment issues there can be all sorts of causes... design defects, manufacturing defects, shipping damage, normal wear and tear, environmental damage, user error, storage, cleaning, maintenance, etc., etc. And in all fairness to the dive operator not all of these potential issues are within their ability to control or prevent.
Hey Everyone,

My husband and I are diving w/friends using DiveTech 8/9-8/16. Someone told me that the gear DiveTech rents is "crap" and that I should look elsewhere to rent gear. It was suggested we try a dive shop a little north of the Marriott that is located in a strip mall, but they couldn't remember the name of the dive shop. Anyone out there familiar w/Grand Cayman & this (or another) dive shop that rents affordable quailty gear?

Muchas gracias!
>>> Hi Alexandra:
The dive shop that was suggested to you sounds like Divers Supply in the West Shore (pink) mall on the main road just north of the Marriott Resort. They are usually open late (7 days a week) so they're convenient in that respect. I live here and my wife and I have our own gear, so I haven't rented gear other than tanks from Divers Supply, so have no experience of the quality of their rentals gear, but the staff seem quite competent.
There's another dive shop that does most of the servicing on my gear: Divers World, in Seven Mile Beach Shops, just a bit south of the Marriott Resort. They do a good job of servicing so I'm assuming they take good care of their rental gear too - but again I have no personal experience of that. I don't think they're open late (beyond 5:00 PM) nor on Sundays though - but that's only a problem if your schedule demands extended hours for pickup or return of the equipment.
On the other hand ...
Although my wife and I have our own gear, our two youngsters got certified last summer and we don't own all their pieces of gear yet, so sometimes when we dive together we (the parents) use the rental gear and let the kids use the regulators that we own. Maybe I'm easy to please, but I don't recall having any major complaints with rental gear - it's more a matter of much preferring to use gear you're familiar with, that you like how it fits, etc. Of course you definitely should own your mask and fins (and snorkel if you use one when diving).
Sorry if this is TMI ...! Enjoy Cayman!
Yeah, it's better/nicer to have your own gear, and have exactly what you want. And fit can be a problem with rentals even if it's great stuff. But I agree that it's usually better to discuss rental gear on a case by case basis, not paint every shop in a place with one brush. I don't think the gear on GC can be generally painted as crap. There is going to be lots of basic lower end gear as rental, which is typical anyplace and much different than "crap." There's lots of reasons simple basic gear makes sense for rentals, beyond the cost. And basic stuff is fine for your average rec diving in the tropics. It can even be well faded but in very good shape functionally (or look pretty new and be messed up because the last person dredged it through the sand, for that matter.) It's all about fit and maintenance.

For example, my husband happens to have an AL Wave which is a simple jacket and very common in rental pools. He likes it and there's nothing wrong with it. Lots of people here complain about BCs with all sorts of straps/rings/padding/features. Then, people complain about low end gear too? Pick one at least.
I agree -- Divers Down is a great group. I've been diving Grand Cayman for about 28 years now. I've seen lots of dive operations come and go. I generally like to hook up with a divemaster and stay in touch with him or her from year to year. Sometimes they leave, but usually they pass you onto another good DM.

We're going back in August again and Divers Down is who we're diving with -- for the 4th straight year. As for rental gear -- I never look at it...might scare me!
Well, I have seen pretty much every dive op's rental gear on Grand Cayman, so I can say it's all crap. The "elsewhere" part really just refers to other countries around the Caribbean I have dived in, all of which had rental gear which was, you guessed it, crap. But, you're right - I have no personal knowledge of the quality of rental gear in places like Australia & S. Africa so it might be a bit overstated.

Where do they have high quality rental gear?

Divers Supply West Shore Center
I agree -- Divers Down is a great group. I've been diving Grand Cayman for about 28 years now. I've seen lots of dive operations come and go. I generally like to hook up with a divemaster and stay in touch with him or her from year to year. Sometimes they leave, but usually they pass you onto another good DM.

We're going back in August again and Divers Down is who we're diving with -- for the 4th straight year. As for rental gear -- I never look at it...might scare me!

Dario is gone. Bummer, He is a great guy and a blast to dive with
Say hello to Mattie for me!


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