We had a trip planned for 10/9-10/23 on GC and LC and have finally heard from Cobalt Coast in GC, so wanted to pass along this email we received in case anyone is needing this info. In addition to this, we also have heard from Pirate's Point on LC saying they will definitely be open for business on 10/16 (the date they planned to reopen after their planned renovations this year anyway). We have cancelled our trip for now, as Cobalt won't be operational for several more weeks, but plan to re-schedule it for early next year- I'm sure they could use the business now more than ever!
Email is from Nancy at Divetech at Cobalt Coast in West Bay, GC (I've omitted a few non-essential details for brevity):
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Closed for business?
Hi all - I apologize for not personalizing this, I just had Nat pick up our email by going to Georgetown, thanks to the Aggressor Office, and this response will be posted to you tomorrow. To all of our friends and family, we are all well, eating well, all needs intact, and looking forward to getting open again in the not too distant future.
To all of our valued customers, we are very sure that Sept and October reservations need to be cancelled - what resources we have available are needed for emergency relief and assistance. Our current plan is to be re-opened about Nov. 15th, with more details to come shortly. Things are quite busy here in recovery and restoration mode, and email is still difficult at best.
The island of Grand Cayman is busy rebuilding, no doubt about that. There are many properties that are damaged and will take some time to rebuild, but everyone is working hard to get this done. Many properties and dive operators sustained 'minimal damage' and are getting ready to go again! CUC (Our Electric company) has already got new power poles up from Georgetown to the Hyatt, running main power grids and lines and then branching off to buildings that are ready for power. Many Inspectors are hard at work making sure that what is put into service is working properly. Water is available for all now, some from taps, others by going to local sources to get water, but everyone is getting fresh drinking water. There are lots of meetings going on, with the Chamber of Commerce, the CITA, Government departments and other associations, and everyone is pulling together to get information flowing.
So, the question that everyone is asking - how are the reefs, and how is the infrastructure coming along. Well, I don't profess to know the detailed answers, but we now have several restaurants and bars open, gas stations are open, grocery stores are open, including Hurley's with fresh produce and meats -- they have full power now. Everyone is trading for what they need and someone else has, so it's really a community effort. Cleaning is coming along nicely, and repairs are full work in progress.
The reefs - well, we've been slackers and are only starting to go out diving, limited tanks are available until full power is resorted, but in general, from what we have seen so far, the state of the reefs looks wonderful on the North, that's the only area where we have been out as of yet. Lots of sand shifting, but that happens to us on a normal Nor Western, so apart from replanting some sponges, it looks great out there. There is lots of stuff pickup underwater though!
Our boats are now on blocks, and repairs are underway starting Monday. Many of the boats on the island survived just fine, a few are underwater/sunk, but all are working to get them back up and going. Welders are in demand too

Our moorings at West Bay are fine, and the dock at Cobalt Coast, apart from boards blowing out, is intact and now fully repaired with the ladder back in. The staff all went for a dive today, Sunday. Turtles, Green morays, one had moved into a recent additional on a large PVC Pipe, big snappers, corals, fans, whips, even a lot of sponges. Heard from the Reef Resort that their dock is fine too, just repairs to be done. The West Bay Dock also survived intact.
Turtle Reef needs a little more work and that is coming in the next few weeks. There is going to be power we hope in 2 - 4 weeks, and then we can get all repairs completed. For now, she is clean, dried in, and ready to get all re-stocked!. It's going to look real pretty, and heh, it needed a paint job, so what better opportunity than now.
Cobalt Coast is full with emergency relief workers, and more coming in every day. The place is pretty empty during the daytime with everyone working long hours. All roofs are now dried in here & we are fully operational except for power, internet, and of course, full time water !! The cleaners where in today doing carpets and sofas, and a major cleanup took place outside again today, with the remnants of trees, eve troves and lots of leaves all picked up already.
While many places are going to be ready to go soon, the basic infrastructure needs to be restored first, so that is what we are all looking towards now, and will be the determining factor in receiving guests again. Optimism is high, and communications will be coming more regularly in the next weeks. So, for the next short while, please bear with us. Good dates will be available soon. We ask, if you can, that you give us a little more time to confirm our availability, and if not then we hope to see you again in the not too distant future.
Right now, anyone wanting to come to Grand Cayman needs a form, simple but necessary, and if you need to come here, let us know and we'll do what we can to help. Please remember that we do not have constant email access at this time yet.
Until we open back up for tourism, we would really like to thank everyone that has written and sent prayers, we do appreciate it. Please forgive our delays in getting back to you, this will come soon. Many folks have left and hope to come back soon, many have stayed. We have a note of one recording that showed gusts of 265mph from the weather station, but West Bay was sooooo lucky not to get the storm surge or flooding. All is well here, there is lots of work to do but the island, well the country, is opening back up. Little Cayman and the Brac are ready for visitors soon. Grand Cayman is coming along.
Will sign off for now, and please give us a few weeks to get back to normal, we need and want you back visiting us in the near future..... until then, be safe, be happy. Nancy & Crew @ Divetech [Cobalt Coast Resort]