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Puget Sound Area
This is my new hobbie. I have learned lots about rebreathers. I know I won't be using one till I'm 18, but I love talking and thinking about them.

If I was gonna get a Rebreather wich one should I get.
what are the ups and downs about SCR and CCR. I realy like what I have heard about the Inperation buddy and the Haclyon for DIR divers. I hear that the Hacloyn is SCR. I also heard that the world record deapth was set with the Hacloyn. Can a SCR go deeper then a CCR or somthing. I realy like CCRs becuase they don't make bubbles. Any opinions?:)
Yeah, I've got opinions. Plenty of them.:D
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
This is my new hobbie. I have learned lots about rebreathers. I know I won't be using one till I'm 18, but I love talking and thinking about them.
You're heading in the right direction, reading & learning about them.
Did you check the links I posted? Those are the rigs, or most of them, that are currently available. Have you read through the past threads? Follow links in there? Ought to keep you busy for some time to come.:)
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
If I was gonna get a Rebreather wich one should I get.
No way anyone will know. 6 years till you turn 18, that's a lot of time for rebreather development. There'll be RBs out that are likely better than the ones on the market now.
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
what are the ups and downs about SCR and CCR.
That's one of those subject that's been posted about several times before. You should really just read through the older threads. Lots of intresting stuff. :) It's also a subject that needs a bit more time to discuss than I have right now. But if you can't find an answer in previous posts and nobody else posts one here I will. :)
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
I realy like what I have heard about the Inperation buddy and the Haclyon for DIR divers. I hear that the Hacloyn is SCR. I also heard that the world record deapth was set with the Hacloyn. Can a SCR go deeper then a CCR or somthing.
I like those, too. Dove the Inspiration, but never the RB80. Yet. :D
They are vastly different rebreathers, though. The Inspiration is the most sold CCR, that says something. The Halcyon was designed for deep (both depth and distance) cave penetration, and is very good for that. That's were the records come from.
The depth you can dive to primarily depends on how much pressure the RB can take, and what gas you can use with it. The Halcyon has been to 124m in European caves, maybe deeper here in the US, I'm not sure.
Trevor Jackson dove his Inspiration to 177m off Brisbane, Australia. 3 German divers dove theirs to past 200m and they broke.
5 years until I'm 18 get it right:D

Ya I looked at all those links. I got most of them in my favorites.
Very interesting stuff. Some one took the insperation to 200m!!! thats insane! Can you tell me how long you can breath the inperation at the surface. then I can figure out how long you can stay at each deapth by deividing it by 2 every ATA. I;m going diving this monday. I'm excited. The max deapth is only 40ft thou.
thanks for your help:)
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
5 years until I'm 18 get it right:D
You just had a b-day? maybe I should call you Scuba Dooba 13? :D
Better not, or you'll call me caveseeker40 next week ... :(
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
Can you tell me how long you can breath the inperation at the surface. then I can figure out how long you can stay at each deapth by deividing it by 2 every ATA.
That's not going to work ... the Inspiration uses as much gas at depth as it does at the surface. For a normal dive 40 or so bar of O2 and diluent. :D
So gas expenses are less, especially expensive helium mixes used for the deep stuff. With CCRs, scrubber time is usually the limiting factor. How long the CO2 absorbant can clean the exhaled breath. On the Inspiration that time is three hours.
Scuba Dooba 12 once bubbled...
I;m going diving this monday. I'm excited. The max deapth is only 40ft thou.
I wish I was. :( But I hope you have fun, lots of it.
Dive save.
I got OW certified when I was 12. So I'm scuba duba 12. 40? Thats not a bad age. You go cave diving much? This is the first time Ive gone diving seince JUNE. My Gills are dry:( .

A few hours ago I was fiddling with my mask and now I am able to equalize just by blowing out my nose. I was preaty excited:) .

Have you ever dove in a senota in mexico I think their called.

Friday- having sleepover- I got to go. wish I could talk more:wink:
I know that problem. I haven't been diving in quite some time. But I say that after more than 2 weeks ... :wink: Been longer this time though, lack of buddies. They're all acustomed to warm water from their trips. :(
You're right, my age isn't bad. Yet. I'm just worried about getting closer to bad. :rolleyes:
Take care
2 months dry now for me due to works sending me to Scotland for what seems like forever and another 2 months to go :upset:

ScubaDooba12, welcome, I learnt when I was 11 (in the days of twin hoses, hand made rubber suits, frogmen and flippers) and 28 years later the novalty still hasn't worn off (if just seems more expensive!!)
Shame on you Mole - 4 months in Scotland and you're not taking the opportunity to get some Jock dives in? It's gorgeous up there right now. You've no excuse.
madmole once bubbled...
2 months dry now for me due to works sending me to Scotland for what seems like forever and another 2 months to go :upset:
Go find Nessie for Scooba Dooba 12, he'll be thrilled. :D

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