Goodbye Cozumel; Lets Try It Again Next Year

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My Staff? whatever.
Umm, thought you were joking when I saw your post before you edited it. Glad I seem like a nice person. You do too. :wink:

My staff would tell you I have a great sense of ha-ha and try to inject a sense of humor wherever I can, in order to lighten the mood. I used the asterisks just to be sensitive to all readers.

If you check my profile you'll see that I've done a lot of diving in Coz and don't need to check things out with Don. I don't make a bazillion mindless posts about everything under the sun but try to add some useful content to any discussion on matters I have some experience with or understanding about. If my relatively meagre number of posts may have confused you into thinking I was a newbie on the board or to diving or to Cozumel, I apologize.

I was simply distressed with the tone that this thread had taken, along with a few other recent ones. My family will tell you that I often try and "direct" things. As an eldest child, I'll chalk thatup to my birth order! :D

and no I didn't read your profile, please hold. :D

ok read it.

Hometown: Saskatchewan, Canada

you are Canadian, not you are! :wink:
Regarding cabbies jacking-up fares in Cozumel, I haven't really seen it. Like another post stated, a guy trying to get an extra buck or two is not worth getting concerned about.
Wages in Cozumel and other places in Mexico are very low and I always try to be generous to drivers, waiters, maids, DM's, boat crew,and street musicians.
One thing I've noticed more than questionable cab fare is the low-tipping and no- tipping dive tourist. They fly in on a jet with thousands of dollars worth of dive gear, stay in hotels and eat in restaurants while on vacation, but are too tight to pull out a few dollars here and there for tips. Rather than bring up the one or two guys that may have been a little greedy, I'd rather write about the wonderful hospitality I've received.
Now, I have had a couple friends who encountered bad Mexican cops that tried to extort money from them, but that's a different story.
Ditto. I'm not a depth junkie but am curious why your max depth is 105 feet, given your certs. Didn't do any of the interesting, deeper dives in Coz? (or is this out of date?)

Hometown: California, Nor Cal
Age: 47
Date of Birth: February 9, 1959
Occupation: Engineering Management
Gender: Male
Interests: Scuba, Golf, Cooking, Drummer

Dive Profile:
Certification Level: PADI OW, AOW, Rescue Diver, EFR
Dive Classification: Just An "Average" Diver
Years Certified: Three Years
# of Logged Dives: 51-100
Dive History: Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Cozumel, Cabos San Lucas, Monterey, Philippines - Dumaguete and Puerto Galera. Deepest dive, 105 fsw. Coolest dive, Was Dos Ojos, Now "The Washining Machine" Verde Island, the Philippines.

and no I didn't read your profile, please hold. :D

ok read it.

very true Rex about the majority of people in Mexico that I've come in contact with, very nice.
As for transportation, I do prefer to arrange a more personal transportation, just me I guess.
I hear you. My favourite depth is less than 30 feet! (good light for photography and lots of life) Or 50-60 foot if I'm on a boat and people insist. :wink: But there are some very cool dives in Coz in the 100-120 foot range that I like just for the scenery. You should check them out.

nah, 105 feels comfortable enough for me, too many martinis is no good, I drink tequila. :D
try the PI's for interesting dives. :multi:
I will do that, next trip is to PV so Coz will have to wait, (and repair... a little). :wink:
If your posts are missing from this thread, it's because they were part of or responses to the hijack about a term someone found offensive.... further posts about that or about this action will be removed as well. If you have a complaint about this moderation, feel free to do it via PM :wink:

Thank you to those who brought the thread back on track :D
Right. It's irrelevent on a thread about diving. But I think it has some interesting context, given the thread content.

My employer does periodic surveys of all staff across the entire organization. In a survey released about a month ago, staff in my branch gave the highest ratings in the entire organization and well above ratings in all other public sector employees around the world. Guess I'm doing something right in terms of the culture I promote, and it's reflected in the employee retention rates seen in my branch and the employee engagement demonstrated by my staff. This may seem inconsenquential to people not involved in staff management. To me it's huge. My staff's views mean everything to me in terms of whether I am approaching issues in ways that matter to them.

So what does this have to do with the above "whatever" comment" about the views of my staff? I think that has a correlation on how I provide info on this board.

Context. I understand what people want to know and how they fit into the bigger picture.

My Staff? whatever.

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