Hello guys, I will try to explain my concern to read what you opinions are and try to get some advice from you.
I am a PADI instr as well as SSI instr, with something like 230 dives living since 3 months in Hurghada, Egypt.
I was on my first live-aboard a few weeks ago when a technical diver asked me if I would joing him on a trip to 50 M on a no-deco dive. Just a touch and go.
Now, at the begining this sounded quiet odd and wrong to me, but after a few minutes I began to feel interested.
I did a mental list of all the things that I would be doing wrong if I did this dive which included:
Diving beyond recreational limits
Diving beyond legal limits (max for recreational divers in red sea is 30 m)
Diving on a single 12 lts while my buddy was on twins 12's
Diving without knowing any decompression procedures beyond the recreational emergency ones
Diving with my computer as a bottom timer given after 48 meters it would block, or start going crazy with deco stops given it's a very conservative one (mares nemo)
Using my buddy's computer to stay within no-deco limits (galileo sol)
After this I thought of the reasons I would like to do this dive:
Never been beyond 39 meters and I wanted to check how my body, mind and equipment behave at 6atm for a few secs.
So aware of all this I agreed to do it. The only condition was that we would check currents and visibility and agree if to go farther or not once in the water at 30 meters and again at 40.
Dive profile is this: after 4 minutes we reached 51 meters and began ascent at 9 meters/min to keep diving between 15 and 10 meters to complete a total botom time of 54 minutes. No-Deco according to the galileo Sol and still plenty of time before running into deco.
Many of you may think 'oh, what's the big deal, I've done plenty of dives much more complicated than this'
Well, I consider myself a very responsible diver and I did not have the proper training to do this dive, so hence is not very responsible.
I've been thinking about getting proper technical diving training but at the moment it's impossible for me to affoard it.
I read as much as I can on the internet (from trustable sources, of course) and try to learn as much as possible without getting the proper training I know I should get.
Do you have any comments about this, any thoughts... Is there any way to go tech on a 'cheap' way?
My own answer would be: don't be stupid and wait untill you can affoard proper training before doing anything like this. Even if this can take a year or two.
Just want to read what's in your minds after reading this post.
Thanks a lot!
I am a PADI instr as well as SSI instr, with something like 230 dives living since 3 months in Hurghada, Egypt.
I was on my first live-aboard a few weeks ago when a technical diver asked me if I would joing him on a trip to 50 M on a no-deco dive. Just a touch and go.
Now, at the begining this sounded quiet odd and wrong to me, but after a few minutes I began to feel interested.
I did a mental list of all the things that I would be doing wrong if I did this dive which included:
Diving beyond recreational limits
Diving beyond legal limits (max for recreational divers in red sea is 30 m)
Diving on a single 12 lts while my buddy was on twins 12's
Diving without knowing any decompression procedures beyond the recreational emergency ones
Diving with my computer as a bottom timer given after 48 meters it would block, or start going crazy with deco stops given it's a very conservative one (mares nemo)
Using my buddy's computer to stay within no-deco limits (galileo sol)
After this I thought of the reasons I would like to do this dive:
Never been beyond 39 meters and I wanted to check how my body, mind and equipment behave at 6atm for a few secs.
So aware of all this I agreed to do it. The only condition was that we would check currents and visibility and agree if to go farther or not once in the water at 30 meters and again at 40.
Dive profile is this: after 4 minutes we reached 51 meters and began ascent at 9 meters/min to keep diving between 15 and 10 meters to complete a total botom time of 54 minutes. No-Deco according to the galileo Sol and still plenty of time before running into deco.
Many of you may think 'oh, what's the big deal, I've done plenty of dives much more complicated than this'
Well, I consider myself a very responsible diver and I did not have the proper training to do this dive, so hence is not very responsible.
I've been thinking about getting proper technical diving training but at the moment it's impossible for me to affoard it.
I read as much as I can on the internet (from trustable sources, of course) and try to learn as much as possible without getting the proper training I know I should get.
Do you have any comments about this, any thoughts... Is there any way to go tech on a 'cheap' way?
My own answer would be: don't be stupid and wait untill you can affoard proper training before doing anything like this. Even if this can take a year or two.
Just want to read what's in your minds after reading this post.
Thanks a lot!