I bet if there was a FAQ people wouldnt be so confusedI dont know where were staying. I dont know if My 3mil shorty is going to work. I dont know if I have full hook ups for my RV. I dont know what the membership fees are to join this GLWC thing. The person running it only seems to show up when he remembers LMAO!! I bet somewhere he forgot he has a prior arrangement.
There is no food list so to speak of. I dont know what I need to bring or what other people are bringing. I guess I will have to make sure I bring my own Kosher meats. That is all I eat.
Here is MeetnGreet FAQ From my mentor)
Q: Who can come to the MeetNGreet?
A: Any Scubaboard member, their family and Friends are invited.
Q: What time does MNG Start?
A: Gtxl1200, CLDWDIVER, Barracuda2 Will arrive approximately 10:00am Friday the Oct. 9. And will remain until Sunday afternoon.
Q: Why is it at Gilboa Quarry?
A: We have the MNG at Gilboa Quarry because we use it all weekend; we stay on the property the whole weekend. Some people have enough gear to fill a utility trailer and once they set it up, they like to leave it set up for the weekend. Also, we don't have to transport our gear to the entry points; Once geared up, we are within walking distance to go diving. It works for our needs.
Q: What is the water temps that time of year?
A: the water temps that time of year range right around 60-70 degrees in the shallows, and around 46-50 or around the tubes at 60'
Q: I only have a 3mill wet suit; will that be enough?
A: read above on Water temps; that's your call.
Q: I'm not certified yet; I just started my classes, but I lurk on Scubaboard all the time. Can I come?
A: Absolutely, What better way to get ahead of your classmates then to spend the weekend with divers. Of course we won't let you dive? The evening campfires alone are worth the trip!
Q: I don't have a dive; buddy can I come? Will someone be my buddy?
A: There will be plenty of people to buddy up with. Usually just ask who is ready to dive, or when someone else says, "who wants to dive?" just join in.
Q: What it the camping like at Gilboa?
A: Camping at Gilboa is Primitive. It is $8.00 per person per night to camp. Just grab a spot and set up your tent. The end of the road is the gathering place, but some people like to set up closer to the water entry points. You can share spots; also there is not a one tent per spot rule at Gilboa. Read more here
Q: Will I need to Bring anything?
A: Gtxl1200 has his Camper trailer (the bunkhouse) with a Generator; he has most everything that will be needed. We have a pot luck dinner on Saturday; we ask that you bring something for that. Bring whatever else you might think you will need. The bunkhouse has a refridgerator and stove and microwaver for those that will be bringing food that needs to be kept cold and food that needs to be heated..
A Simple rule
What happens at Meet N Greet stays at Meet N Greet.