leadweight once bubbled...
Well, I will have to admit to not understanding drysuits. However, my comments above on drysuits were an aside to something else.
Then you would be wise to not discuss drysuits as part of your argument. It only makes you look foolish.
Not that it makes it right, but I have yet to actually see someone diving dry in 80 degree water.
I'm confused. Are you saying that there is something wrong with diving dry in tropical water? If so, would you care to elaborate on what makes it wrong?
Divers have an amazing range of what they find comfortable. On the same dive I have seen everything from a swimsuit on up to a full 5mm with a hood.
You should keep this in mind while you are arguing here. People are comfortable with different have no right to tell others what they should and should not wear. Was the person who wore the 5mm "wrong" or just different from you?
Incidentally, I wore a 7mm hooded fullsuit in the Bahamas in February. The water was ~70-75 degrees. Some were only wearing 1mm shorties. I was very comfortable.