Global Warming

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I hope that you can demonstrate some level of accomplishment that could lend creditability to such a libelous characterization.

He listened to Michael Medved ... that should be worth something, ya know ... ;)

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Means iam a physic such it is that i have to say that that all is not the Humans deafault,since more then 10 000 years the earth wehn by smal steps more hot,that means not that the instalation off Filters is uneed in industial citiys The% off sick or ill pwerson wehn lower wail thats is and Natureprotejetion shows also off culture at all the livestandanta when higher by ceeping those doing on...but we calulatet that the earth sun turn is not whent bigger or smaler but the wavekind in the solarsytem might change on,so as you see in the Greek Myst as Homers sagas is Greek and Turkey a waterfuel Contrys today is it nothing else then hot caluclate wha the reson for that os iff it is tha the sun run in some seldom reanm on here way around he Hercules sytem or iff it the the Hercules system is in a rbit off somefing that moves to whee ever is not exact known.But we know from the Early egytian as Persian astronoms (the Spinx is a Persian(Iran today) mythologic creature,she stand only for the symbol off peace betweeen the Shaa and the Paharonen in egyt not minder as shown off respect)thet the Starsky have wndelt in the last 7000years....

Judge Michael Burton is far less qualified to comment on the accuracies or inaccuracies of the film than are many people who regularly post on this board, I can't take his "rulings" seriously. I agree, however, that the film, because of established economic interests and their political influence and shortsightedness, should be viewed as polemical and evaluated on that basis.

Agreed, but it has had a significant impact on our culture, I'd say.
Uh-ohhh more acadenic freedoms...pitched out the window - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines

The University of Virginia's climatology data center is seeking a lower profile after its former top official, the state climatologist, resigned this past summer amid questions over whether he should use the position to promote his doubts about theories on global warming.

The Climatology Office has been renamed, dropping a formal reference to the state in its name. The office receives half its $183,000 operating budget from the state and half from U-Va. and is the main outlet in Virginia for information on the impact of weather and climate on economic and ecological systems.

The former state climatologist, Patrick J. Michaels, has been on sabbatical from the university for the past year, said Joseph C. Zieman, chairman of the school's Department of Environmental Sciences, which houses the center. Zieman said Michaels resigned the post this summer and was replaced by U-Va. research scientist Jerry Stenger, who has been running the center without the formal state title. Stenger has worked at the center for more than 20 years....

read for yourself

consensus ...everyone concensus ...or your butt is fired!!!
Dynamit Nobel is one off the best Bulletproducer on earth is pop known the price

of one bullet Kal6/22 is under 1 Briton pound.It was General Montgomery that

had get the Victoriacross.I think Churhill aint waht you told.


All I can say about the hustler Al Gore is this...he won a Nobel Prize yet oddly Mahatma Ganghi didn't. Yassir Arafat won a Nobel ...yet Mother Theresa did not. Jimmi Carter won a Nobel yet Sir Winston Churchill did not ... conclusion a Nobel prize is another exercise in socialist masterbation.
You know... come to think of it... this wouldn't be the first time politicians jumped on the "science" bandwagon and cited authority over natural phenomena to gain power.

Stonehenge, solar eclipses... if you can label it, you control it... and the populace will be cowed in amazement.
very true DiverBry, well put, good form!

..and you can only spin lies, you can't spin the truth
Alone goods will will close the file what Churchil maked think that the Briton Army

had to fight and confiscatet the land off Paseltina after the 2nd world war but

like the most Briton in the meaning off Statefounding was it never fear or done

under the aspect of Humanity or fairfuel doing,it was invasion.Not many remner

the las egytian King or Alin bin Reza off Persia as Mustafa off Pakistan

but all those person had given the UNO a stabel but seldom Basment in the first

years off the young Unitet Nation ...

There is just no end to the horse pucky that those who deny global warming gin up:

The "Global Warming Petition Project" was a started by the George C. Marshall Institute, whose chair, Frederick Seitz, is affiliated with the Global Climate Coalition (an industry group self styled as "the voice for business in the global warming debate"), and the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine, a group whose leader is a biochemist described as "specializing in home schooling and building nuclear shelters" (Los Angeles Times, 8/17/98).

The only requirement for signing OISM's petition was a bachelors degree in science. OISM's screening process was so lax that for a time the list also included a number of gag names added by environmentalists, including Ginger Spice and Michael J. Fox.

The OISM petition also came under fire for being deceptively packaged: The petition was accompanied by an article purporting to debunk global warming that was formatted to look as though it had been published in the journal of the National Academy of Sciences. The resemblance was so close that the NAS issued a public statement that the OISM petition "does not reflect the conclusions of expert reports of the Academy." Experts who, might I note, have issued a warning about global warming.

Oh, you didn't know that? You owe the truth an apology for not checking first.

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