Global Warming

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I for one am buying fluorescent light bulbs and am shopping for a car that burns less fuel.

This, despite my view that "science" is erring on the side of politics.

Who wants to bear the brunt of social pressure? Not me. People who drive themselves to work will soon be seen as personna non-grata... just like we're treating smokers, the obese, and Christians these days.

Maybe there will be little yellow star-shaped CO2 badges we'll be made to wear if we drive a vehicle that isn't efficient enough, or if we actualy have enough airline miles to collect a reward other than a carbon-offset. Geez.
for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.

Nobel Peace Prize 2007

Name two who are not on the payroll of industry or the Republican National Committee (same thing I think).

name two who are not in the hoodwink for the money :lotsalove:
Judge Michael Burton is far less qualified to comment on the accuracies or inaccuracies of the film than are many people who regularly post on this board, I can't take his "rulings" seriously. I agree, however, that the film, because of established economic interests and their political influence and shortsightedness, should be viewed as polemical and evaluated on that basis.
Kyoto Treaty was just another attack at our economy. AND Soverinty.
The Convenient Lie, is a propaganda movie, just like MICKEY Moore's SICKO in trying to shape legislation and policies. Gloabl warming is happening, that is a fact, being caused by man? don't think so, but the GW people will NEVER accept scientists that are not on their bandwagon, but maybe they can have the 9th circus court of jesters force it on us, like they do everything else.
The Oceans Treaty- another give away of our soverinty, to the UN......makes sense, eh?
Real Danger to our world is Moore near term, next year will bring about a change that will mean double digit inflation and unemployment and no one is paying much attention to that fact..
Conservation is a GREAT thing and should be practiced much more, but scare tactics just don't work in bringing this about.
just this evil capitalist conservatives two cents.......
... Yet, nothing other than a small rise in ocean temperatures.

My personal stance is; be a good steward of your environment, recycle and do your part in keeping our planet healthy. It is our responsibility to hand down to our children something they can be proud of. However, overreaction rarely delivers on its promise.
What you see as nothing more than "a small rise in ocean temperatures" is recognized by all the experts as something that imperils you ability to hand anything down to your children.
The problem I have with Al Gore and his band of merry men is same problem I have with all other doom and gloomers. All this aggrandizement is to support something they want to sell. Remember the no-nuke crowd, the hysteria over Y2K, power lines will kill us all, Joe McCarthy and Manzanar, a new ice age and the hits just keep on coming.

With all doom and gloomers, there is a shred of truth that gets blown way out of proportion. The consensus among many noted climatologists is that we should be seeing the devastating and catastrophic results already. Yet, nothing other than a small rise in ocean temperatures.

My personal stance is; be a good steward of your environment, recycle and do your part in keeping our planet healthy. It is our responsibility to hand down to our children something they can be proud of. However, overreaction rarely delivers on its promise.

What you see as nothing more than "a small rise in ocean temperatures" is recognized by all the experts as something that imperils you ability to hand anything down to your children.

Once again, you dissected my post to spin it back to your view.
I'll take that to mean you are in complete agreement with the other two paragraphs.
The consensus among many noted climatologists is that we should be seeing the devastating and catastrophic results already. Yet, nothing other than a small rise in ocean temperatures.
I think more than a few people have been pretty shocked by the Arctic ice melt this year.
The problem I have with Al Gore and his band of merry men is same problem I have with all other doom and gloomers. All this aggrandizement is to support something they want to sell. Remember the no-nuke crowd, the hysteria over Y2K, power lines will kill us all, Joe McCarthy and Manzanar, a new ice age and the hits just keep on coming.

With all doom and gloomers, there is a shred of truth that gets blown way out of proportion. The consensus among many noted climatologists is that we should be seeing the devastating and catastrophic results already. Yet, nothing other than a small rise in ocean temperatures.

My personal stance is; be a good steward of your environment, recycle and do your part in keeping our planet healthy. It is our responsibility to hand down to our children something they can be proud of. However, overreaction rarely delivers on its promise.

I agree 100%, and I have had that stance all my adult life.

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