Global Warming

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Hmmm..... I thought this thread was about global warming, not personal attacks for political motives.......

You guys are so frightened of Al Gore huh?

It's funny.....really! :D
Heres the best hustle of all time ..Al Gore's ol' man shakes down the world over the past 100 yr with Oxy. Petr. which ol' Al jr. himself I might add made a hefty penny off of as well ...then the street hustler in him runs a new game called "the end of the world as we know it and other Hot Topics" and puts out a movie to hype it ...that my friends is the real inconvenient truth .... and the colored girls say to do to do to do ...

I hadn't heard about the petroleum company connection... there is a global warming lesson there somewhere, I'll bet... what's the scoop?
Now, see... that is just a very intelligent question.

The answer to that question may be inconvenient to those espousing other inconvenient truths. :D

Ah ... well, while y'all are pondering these weighty questions, also consider that the planet's been undergoing changes for millions of years.

What makes this one different isn't the fact that a change is occurring ... but the astonishing speed with which it's happening. Past climate cycles occurred over a period of millenia ... not decades. Adaptation takes time, and when there isn't sufficient time for a species to adapt to changes in their environment, the alternative is death ... possibly to the entire species.

And whatever the cause of the climate changes, there is no doubt that they are occurring ... and the only question that really matters is what ... if anything ... can we do about it.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Look I don't want to get too political ...I was just pointing out the hypocracy of the high priest of the global warming cabal. Just "google" Occidental Petroleum and Al Gore Sr. and read for yourself.
Also just to point out the other hypocritical high priest of global warming Jim Hansen who was/is financed by George Soros concerning his alleged whistle blower fiasco at NASA. There are people on both sides of this issue who are on the take from wealthy individuals. Nobody in estimation is pure concerning this issue.

Global warming is real and has been since the end of the last ice age and so on bla bla bla. Point is we don't know what the outcome will be for mankind and mother nature. But fear tactics and rushing to fix a problem which we are not even sure is a bad thing is in my opinion insanity.

Everyone is rushing to claim the artic circle resources, its just ironic as the ice melts we all are hell bent to extract the resources to pump more of the so called global warming gases into the atmosphere while nobody stops and ponders why the petroleum is under the ice caps. I am well aware of the plate shifts but that doesn't account for the most glaringly obvious point I made. We are arguing about curtailing the use of fossile fuels to slow a process that we are not sure is caused by the use of these fuels and all the while guys like Gore and Hansen are running a basic street hustle and most of your folks are falling for it. Proves to me ol' PT Barnum was right on the money.
Everyone is rushing to claim the artic circle resources, its just ironic as the ice melts we all are hell bent to extract the resources to pump more of the so called global warming gases into the atmosphere while nobody stops and ponders why the petroleum is under the ice caps. I am well aware of the plate shifts but that doesn't account for the most glaringly obvious point I made. We are arguing about curtailing the use of fossile fuels to slow a process that we are not sure is caused by the use of these fuels and all the while guys like Gore and Hansen are running a basic street hustle and most of your folks are falling for it. Proves to me ol' PT Barnum was right on the money.

That, truly, is the irony I was getting at by bringing it up ... both "sides" of this issue are pushing their agenda for economic reasons ... and Rome continues to burn ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Ah ... well, while y'all are pondering these weighty questions, also consider that the planet's been undergoing changes for millions of years.

What makes this one different isn't the fact that a change is occurring ... but the astonishing speed with which it's happening. Past climate cycles occurred over a period of millenia ... not decades. Adaptation takes time, and when there isn't sufficient time for a species to adapt to changes in their environment, the alternative is death ... possibly to the entire species.

And whatever the cause of the climate changes, there is no doubt that they are occurring ... and the only question that really matters is what ... if anything ... can we do about it.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Bob I beg to differ scientist are now finding out that climate change is quite catystrophic and not so gradual, within a few decades all of the ice covering the great lakes had disappeared ..not millenia.
Sorry I don't mean to nit pick we have to come to grips with the fact that we are insignificant. However even if we are causing the earth to warm we are not sure it is a bad thing, and in reality we are part of this ecosystem not aside from it. We are the top of the food chain right now. I suspect soon we will be decimated by wars , famine, plagues and disasters. Its the way nature works ...we are after all doomed for the trash heap of evolution ...that is the only thing you can bet on.
........and all the while guys like Gore and Hansen are running a basic street hustle and most of your folks are falling for it.
That's ridiculous. These guys are complete newcomers who have only joined in when the case was virtually already proven. They're not running anything.
The argument has been going on since I was a kid - I know.....I used to argue it with my father 35 years ago.
Who gives a monkey's who is saying what? It's about what's really happening, and as Bob said, about whether we can do anything about it. Green parties and scientists giving warnings have been there for years though - they aren't an invention of AL Gore. As for his family what???? He mentions it himself in the documentary. Did you actually see it?

As for claiming that we're somehow being scared into doing stuff that we don't need to......well that's often bull too. My wife just spent US$50,000 putting solar panels and water heating system into our house. It's costing us 30,000yen a month. We're saving almost exactly the same on electric and gas bills we no longer pay. It's a break even, our power that we use at home is being made clean, rather than coming from a carbon producing power station down the road. As energy gets even more expensive, as it almost certainly will, we'll probably end up MAKING money on the deal. How the hell is that scary? It makes bloody good sense to me.
I've got absolutely NO idea though even if everyone did the same thing tomorrow it would really help, or prevent stuff happening that might have already been triggered - but it can't hurt right? It's got nothing to do with politics AFAIC - it just made sense.
Look, back in the seventies the Cuyahoga river in Cleveland Ohio caught on fire due to the amount of polution in it. In order to remedy the problem the regional governments made a concerted effort to clean up the river and the entire great lakes region. In order to do this they pretty much shipped most of the heavy industry out to the southern states and finally to Asia. It was only slightly succesful. Then sometime in the mid to late eighties a new species was accidently introduced to the great lakes via ballast from ocean faring ships. That creature was the Zebra Mussle. The darn thing did in 5 years what mankind tried for 15 yrs. They filtered the water so much so that they actually removed pcb's, mercury, lead name it. Mankind is not going to straighten out global warming ...nature will. As time continues on so will natures remedies and punishments continue on. At the very best you are only here for the ride..

I'm not advocating poluting the environment and I am certainly not saying that reducing polution in the atmosphere is not essential. I am saying when we tip the balance too far then nature will remedy the imbalance. Regardless of what we do it will be remedied. Nature always wins out ...or do I have to remind all of you of what happens when you build a city 20 feet below sea level ...ok I will.. Katrina and New Orleans ok how about this one Banda Ache and the Indian Ocean.

We are working out this problem and not from fear mongering. BTW 30 years ago the fear tactic was another ice age ...not global warming.

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