Global Warming

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Kyoto Treaty was just another attack at our economy. AND Soverinty.
Our long term survival depends, in part, on developing adult attitudes toward juvenile, self-serving concepts like sovereignty that were developed for simpler and slower moving times.

The Convenient Lie, is a propaganda movie, just like MICKEY Moore's SICKO in trying to shape legislation and policies. Gloabl warming is happening, that is a fact, being caused by man? don't think so, but the GW people will NEVER accept scientists that are not on their bandwagon, but maybe they can have the 9th circus court of jesters force it on us, like they do everything else.
Please, name two creditable earth scientists who are not, “on the bandwagon,” a bandwagon that I might note includes not only the internationalist Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but also the good old U.S. of A’s National Academy of Sciences, American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Once again, you dissected my post to spin it back to your view. I'll take that to mean you are in complete agreement with the other two paragraphs.
I had no intent to "spin" your post ... just to suggest that if you are really interested in the goals that you state, you need to recognize that a small change in ocean temperature is not a "small thing."
Our long term survival depends, in part, on developing adult attitudes toward juvenile, self-serving concepts like sovereignty that were developed for simpler and slower moving times.

Herr Comrade, I must get the O-chip(obedience) installed in my head when the S-Chip regime gains foolish I have been to embrace my self serving freedom...

Prof. Patrick Micheals - U of Virginia
Prof. Paul Reiter - Pasteur Institute
Prof. Ian Clark - U of Ottawa

Many(1000's) of Scientists believe that while global warming is happening, Mankind contributes minutely to the overall effect.
Herr Comrade
Hm, Fascist and communist in one phrase, last time I checked those two were mutually exclusive.

As to your list of earth scientist that do not believe in anthropogenic global warming:

Prof. Patrick Micheals - U of Virginia (no, he's a "research prof at UV, and a "senior fellow" at the Cato Institute) and he clearly states that there is significant human input to the observed global warming.

Prof. Paul Reiter - Pasteur Institute (no, he's not an earth scientist, he's a specialist in the natural history and biology of mosquitoes), I have no idea what his global warming opinions are.

Prof. Ian Clark - U of Ottawa - Paleoclimatologist Dr. Ian D. Clark, professor of the Department of Earth Sciences at University of Ottawa, reversed his views on man-made climate change after further examining the evidence. "I used to agree with these dramatic warnings of climate disaster. I taught my students that most of the increase in temperature of the past century was due to human contribution of C02. The association seemed so clear and simple. Increases of greenhouse gases were driving us towards a climate catastrophe," Clark said. "However, a few years ago, I decided to look more closely at the science and it astonished me. In fact there is no evidence of humans being the cause. There is, however, overwhelming evidence of natural causes such as changes in the output of the sun. - It should be noted that Dr. Clark is a consultant to energy companies.

So you failed to come up with the required two earth scientists, (sound of horn, but give him a round of applause and we do have some parting gifts ...)

That was a task that frankly anyone who knows anything about the subject could have accomplished in a flash e.g.,:

Dr. Jan Veizer, Professor Emeritus of University of Ottawa.

Dr. John R. Christy, Professor and Director, Earth System Science Center, NSSTC, University of Alabama in Huntsville.
...I had no intent to "spin" your post ... just to suggest that if you are really interested in the goals that you state, you need to recognize that a small change in ocean temperature is not a "small thing."

The earth and its climate are not static. Ocean temperature does rise and fall, on this I will agree. My point remains, I do what I can to help but I’m not going to join in on histrionics associated with the current crop of doom and gloomers.

After all, with China building a new (dirty) coal burning power plant at the rate of two new plants a week, will it really matter if I drive an SUV or a Prius? What may help more is if I and others boycott any products made in China. As long there are people shopping at WallyWorld, China will continue to grow, pollute and sell cheap products to the West.
After all, with China building a new (dirty) coal burning power plant at the rate of two new plants a week, will it really matter if I drive an SUV or a Prius? What may help more is if I and others boycott any products made in China. As long there are people shopping at WallyWorld, China will continue to grow, pollute and sell cheap products to the West.

Give China a break. They're just doing what the other industrialized countries did. Once their economy grows and they have a middle class, they'll start thinking clean too.
When China was hard core communist, the US was down on them. Now they have adopted US economic policies and free enterprise and the US sees them as a threat none the less. When will they ever get it right?
I agree. Actually the judge only said that the film couldn't be shown without a little extra "user instruction"'s still going to be shown in the schools......the government won! ;) (do you think the kids will actually listen to the "pre-film" blurb????? :D)

And this is how it all gets propagated. A THEORY is postulated. It continues to be discussed in a theoretical sense for years. That THEORY becomes a theory in name only. It is taught as fact by providing a some factoids. It is forced (government mandate) upon our children in the school systems our tax dollars pay for, and we have no choice in the matter.

There is no viable opposing theories allowed in school. Hence you build a populous that will believe whatever scientists (who are sure of everything), schools (where teachers believe whatever the scientists and the government tells them to believe) and finally a captive audience for force feeding kids that have no way of disputing what is taught.

When I was in grade school, back in the day, we were shown movies and told the the sun would burn out and everyone would freeze to death. Wasn't long after that, there was a new ice age coming, now global warming.

No, I'm not a scientist in the occupational sense. However, I have a brain and can use logic, reading and comparisons to render an opinion of what I believe. My foundation is built from research, study and life experiences. One thing that I have found, having gone back to college at 38, and taking the professors to task is that most of them back off when pressured with cogent and logical arguments presented to them.

One thing that I have learned in my 53 years is that the most arrogant, intolerant, myoptic pseudo-intellectuals are in the halls of academia! I see more and more of it bleeding over in to politics and environmental issues that have become the forefront of trying to make people think and act in a certain way.

There are far too many philosophical postulations being touted as the truth and too few people willing to think outside the box and not buy the party line.


Question: who do you ask for help when you are ill? If your answer is a doctor, then you might want to think twice before you lash out at the scientific community. Science is what makes the world around us possible, including the medium you are trying to communicate your ideas with. And yes, Al Gore is the father of the internet. He was one, if not the one, of its most influential advocates.

Question: who do you ask for help when you are ill? If your answer is a doctor, then you might want to think twice before you lash out at the scientific community. Science is what makes the world around us possible, including the medium you are trying to communicate your ideas with. And yes, Al Gore is the father of the internet. He was one, if not the one, of its most influential advocates.

Wow. Purple Kool-aid anyone?
I'm scared.
the sun is the hottest it has been in a very long time, and we have higher temperatures on earth. hmm, doesn't take much to figure this one out.

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