Global Warming

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Well, since many are getting bored with this and the arguments are stale, how about a different twist.

Assuming global warming is man-made and it affects mother nature in some manner, does it follow that:

a) We (humans) are not truly a part of nature and therefore are like an outside entity infecting the planet and racing ourselves to extinction,


b) We are a part of mother nature and whatever we do is "natural" and part of the overall process, so our fate is sealed (good or bad).


c) We are a part of mother nature but are "self aware" and recognize our surroundings and that combination gives us special responsibilities for the environment?

If it is "c" (as I think it is...tho I have personal experience with giving humanity too much credit) the task of getting 5 billion, opinionated, varied, stubborn, beings to agree to take the measures necessary to effect a change seems daunting...and that, in itself, puts us closer to "a"...whether we like it or not!

I assume there are "d's", "e's", "f's" that others will come up with....BUT THERE ARE NO "ARRRRRRR's", OKAY! I'm tired of all you pirates chiming in....:no

All else aside, if we do not reduce the population growth density dependent phenomena are gonna kill us all no matter what happens with global warming.

All else aside, if we do not reduce the population growth density dependent phenomena are gonna kill us all no matter what happens with global warming.

I dunno about "kill us all" ... humans are pretty adaptable. But we're already making some hefty dents in the food chain ... and that's likely to lead to some serious population reduction at some point in time ... as well as some significant changes in lifestyle for those who survive.

That's my opinion anyway ... and about as "scientific" as most of the other blather that gets posted on the topic ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Resources under the Actic Sea that were heretofore unreachable due to the ice cap are suddenly going to become a hot commodity. Nations will seek to lay claim to territories in the Arctic Sea, and resources will become, yet again, the underlying "national security" issue that leads to excuses for war.

I suspect that the disappearing polar ice cap will, within two or three decades, become the true battleground of the 21st century ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Well.....this is already happening with the Canadian claims to the North West Passage - which was completely clear this year - and a whole bunch of Arctic mineral rights. They're moving in a new military base and seem to be quite prepared to defend what they see as theirs fairly aggressively.
I'd have thought it would probably look more like the old North Sea battles, or the Icelandic situation though. Certainly enough to give the diplomats something to worry about - but nothing to start hot wars over. It's really hard to imagine Canada & the US having a real war for instance. (I hope)

If the "tip over" models are right though, people might just have a whole lot more to worry about than resources.
Oh, I'm not too concerned about Canada ... more likely they'd come to some "arrangement" with the US for joint protection of their "territory".

But the Russians are already planting flags on the ocean floor, and there's a whole slew of northern European countries staking claims.

There are estimates that roughly a quarter of the planet's oil and gas reserves lie under the Arctic Sea ... that's enough to make the Middle East irrelevent to the western countries ... and far more than enough to cause their leaders to find a justification for staking claims and attempting to enforce them.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I dunno about "kill us all" ... humans are pretty adaptable. But we're already making some hefty dents in the food chain ... and that's likely to lead to some serious population reduction at some point in time ... as well as some significant changes in lifestyle for those who survive.

That's my opinion anyway ... and about as "scientific" as most of the other blather that gets posted on the topic ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Running out of food is only one of a myriad of density dependent phenomena, what I expect will get us is loosing the race with various micro organisms while we concentrate chemicals in our bodies that suppress our immune system.
Oh, I'm not too concerned about Canada ... more likely they'd come to some "arrangement" with the US for joint protection of their "territory".

But the Russians are already planting flags on the ocean floor, and there's a whole slew of northern European countries staking claims.

There are estimates that roughly a quarter of the planet's oil and gas reserves lie under the Arctic Sea ... that's enough to make the Middle East irrelevent to the western countries ... and far more than enough to cause their leaders to find a justification for staking claims and attempting to enforce them.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

What a darn minute exactly did all that oil and coal get under the ice caps ?? When the heck did the ice caps melt so as to have enough organic life under it to create this petroilium and coal substance and who the heck is responsible for this little disaster huuummmm.
What a darn minute exactly did all that oil and coal get under the ice caps ?? When the heck did the ice caps melt so as to have enough organic life under it to create this petroilium and coal substance and who the heck is responsible for this little disaster huuummmm.

Now, see... that is just a very intelligent question.

The answer to that question may be inconvenient to those espousing other inconvenient truths. :D

All else aside, if we do not reduce the population growth density dependent phenomena are gonna kill us all no matter what happens with global warming.

Golly folks we could have a super big war and kill off a few billion ..that sure as heck would thin out the herd and leave a few bushels of wheat and broccoli sprouts for us hard working folks !! Mahmoud your up!
What a darn minute exactly did all that oil and coal get under the ice caps ?? When the heck did the ice caps melt so as to have enough organic life under it to create this petroilium and coal substance and who the heck is responsible for this little disaster huuummmm.
You are presuming that the poles have always been the poles, that land has always been land, and that sea has always been sea.

That's a lot of presuming! ;)

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