Global Warming

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I'll post no more on this....
Disappointing, as it is always refreshing when an informed opinion makes its way through the usual noise. I have an open mind on global warming. What bothers me is that I was always led to believe that 100,000 years, say, was a blip in "geological time." If that is true, it seems an odd coincidence that the 300 years of the industrial revolution coincide with seemingly monumental changes in climate.
Is global warming caused by man? Yeah, probably. Is ALL global warming caused by man? Well, that is another story.

In the past and present, it was/is caused by volcanos, comet and meteor impacts...and maybe dinosaur emmisions.:D Maybe we are just the latest trend. But what gets lost in the debate is this:

What is the correct temperature of the earth?

Are we saying that the alleged "new" temperature is wrong because the polar ice is melting? Its done that before...or are we saying it is wrong because it will flood our coastal resorts...? Probably not a very noble barometer to hang our hats on. Our bad for building on the beach given it's dynamics.

I respect most opinions on both sides (not the extremists on either end of the scale) but I think it is a bit arrogant to think that there can only be one reason for any temperature change. History has given us other examples and there are probably more we don't understand (solar, geothermal, comet dust...who knows).

In the meantime, we need to do all we can to cut pollution...not necessarily because some think it is causing global warming...but because it is the smart thing to do. If we do the best we can, good things will come of it.

Rant concluded....
To all who are sure man is causing global warming: What would you do to stop the warming if you were hired to do so and had all resources at your disposal to carry out your plan?
Can you say with absolute certainty that you could reverse the warming trend...or stop it?
We are doomed. Doomed!!!!

We've got:

Upcoming Ice Age.

Everyone will need to understand binary and hexadecimal math so they can program computers.

Nuclear Winter. (as a result of worldwide nuclear war)

Upcoming world economic crash.

Swine Flu. (Nobody died from swine flu, but many elderly died from the shots)


Peak Oil.

Electromagnetic radiation from power lines.

Acid rain.

Styrofoam. (as a pollutent)

Africanized bees.

Multiple chemical sensitivity.

Frogs disappearing.

Species going extinct.

Alar on apples. Antibiotics and hormones in meat. Pork, beef, eggs will give you a heart attack, so eat Oatmeal instead.

Ozone hole.

Break dancing was going to solve the gang violence problem. When gangs met up, instead of shooting, they'd settle their differences with who could break dance the best.

Amazon rain forest (that's jungle to you and me) disappearing due to clearcutting.

Spotted owl. (used to stop logging in the Northwest)

The Big Bands are coming back. (some local high school with a jazz band program)

Snail darter. (used to stop a dam being built)

Mad cow disease.

Global warming.

Cell phones will give you brain cancer.

Bird flu.

Global climate change.
You forgot one.....JeffG becoming an almost moderator....
There is no such thing as "global warming". It's a figment of your imaginaion. It's 55 degrees out here and raining and is going down to 34 tomorrow night. That solves it.
Isn't there some other place to discuss politically charged non diver related topics other than a scuba forum?

Isn't there some other place to discuss politically charged non diver related topics other than a scuba forum?

I had put it in Marine Science & Physiology>Marine Life and Ecosystems
Why the mods move it here is beyond me.
And we are such good polluters that we are also causing warming on Mars, Venus, and various other bodies throughout the solar system, wow we are good!

Current computer models show that if we reduced mans contribution to the various gases immediately to zero it would have little or no effect on the projected temperature changes. However, if we do something to reduce the solar insolation immediate affects are seen. So you tell me, is it ego warming or global warming?

I think the truth is up the middle which does not make it any less dangerous.

Anybody hear NASA's latest statement about wind patterns being responsible for much of the ice caps melting? I heard that Antartica ice caps are actually getting correspondently larger, as the N pole ice caps diminish?

Biofuels are taking some heat this week as a new report released says that all the water, pesticides, fertilizers, etc used to grow the corn or sugar will be just as bad for the environment.--particulary the oceans. I thought the PH chages were the biggest threat at the moment for reefs and fish.

hey, a Republican just designated the biggest marine santuary so cut us some slack. Ya'll could put all those baby bond bucks towards a better cause and guys like Edwards could downsize and your girl Nancy P could pass on the new private jet, what makes her so *special* anyway? Check out UU's ecological wonder-ranch in Crawford, it's quite something. Thall, you were in SF a little too long, I worry. (otherwise you are completely brilliant, of course.)

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