Last time I went he strongly suggested alternate tanks or H-valve. I sling an AL80 and so does NotsoKen. Steve_Dives says he has a new 40 but I don't know if he's dove with it yet but we're hoping to do a dusk/night dive Friday to rectify that

I can put all of us on one deep plan and check "under instructor supervision".
For anyone who is interested in the basic plan:
We'll look at our air consumption and check our rock bottom pressure. I'm tentatively planning on 100 ft depth with a turn of 1600-1800psi. We'll descend on the deep platform using the lines to simulate going down a buoy/anchor line. Buddy pairs will descend together at the same speed and facing one another.
We will stop at the platform at 70 feet and do another buddy check and make sure everyone is comfortable, if you're NOT comfortable then you need to adjust your plan or abort the dive. We will continue our descent to 100 feet, you can either follow the lines down or free descend but stay with your buddy. I usually move closer to the wall and make a free descent, the wall is only a few feet away so it's not like you have no reference. Watch your depth while we head north toward the far wall, there's some topography near the walls and it can cause a bit of narcosis confusion. We will go to the far wall then I would like to pause and compare computers to see how close to deco everyone is. I like a baseline idea of what the computers are telling us. Next we'll ascend to about 75 feet and head back toward the platform. If nobody has hit the rock bottom pressure we will continue past the platform to the south wall, follow it for a short distance then turn back to the platform to ascend on the lines. We will stop at half our max depth (50 feet) for 1 minute then a minimum of 3 min at 15 feet.
Divers are more than welcome to file their own plans and do their own dive. Those who decide to go in the group; if you are freezing or feeling narced or whatever and want to get shallower, by all means do so but let someone in the group know your buddy pair is leaving and stay where I can easily look up to see you if you aren't aborting the dive. The max run time for this dive surface to surface is usually 25 min.