Gilboa Again!!?

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I'm going to go out on a limb here.

No one bolts for the surface unless they are not trained properly or they are outdiving their training.

Either this guy had no business being where he was, or he had instruction that was severely lacking.
yep detroit and thats why I am done with this thread this post and offering any information that could or would be beneficial. Opinions like that must be true becouse you said them I bow to your wisdom. hope you dont fall off that limb becouse we will have to blame it on the person who tought you to climb or the fact that you have not climbed it enough. I am done

for all those who actually hoped to learn from this I am sorry if I cant be of any more help

for those of you who just wanted to slow down to see the train wreck I cant help with your morbid sense of curiousity

and for those of you I hope to learn from I still do
What have you offered here?

"He messed up and bolted for the surface."

Wow. What information you have given here! We should learn a lot from this.

If you so value this site and find it informative, it certainly is not for the type of posts that you have made.

You've said it's not his equipment, not his instructor, and not his training. Well tacmed, what's left?

Listen, I'm as happy as anyone else that the guys is okay. But for any of us to learn in order to avoid this situation, we need more than "I'm sorry I can't be of any more help" (sic)

tacmed once bubbled...
yep detroit and thats why I am done with this thread this post and offering any information that could or would be beneficial. Opinions like that must be true becouse you said them I bow to your wisdom. hope you dont fall off that limb becouse we will have to blame it on the person who tought you to climb or the fact that you have not climbed it enough. I am done

for all those who actually hoped to learn from this I am sorry if I cant be of any more help

for those of you who just wanted to slow down to see the train wreck I cant help with your morbid sense of curiousity

and for those of you I hope to learn from I still do
GQwebsite once bubbled...

It's not on the maps I've seen handed out.

Are you referring to the wall map that used to hang in the old office and was donated by a divemaster class from SE OHIO?

I guess that's the map where we got the name.
uthinkuno once bubbled...

So what happens when it happens to you or someone you know. Who you gonna blame then?

Good point! As an instructor I'm not confident in the abilities of my own students. We found a definate limit to the amount of cost we can add to the class and a good class hust won't sell. I do feel I know why some of these people get hurt but with time and cost limits there isn't much I can do so my solution is to stop before it is one of my students.
Your instructor, your dive buddy, your gear, the body of water, or you? Sometimes things just happen.

If I believed that sometimes things just happened I would stop diving right now. You make it sound as if providence just reached out and wacked a diver now and then. Just about every recreational diver I have ever seen hurt (other than heart attacks) was because of panick. It always seems to be stupid stuff that causes divers to panick. This relates to training and skill. A diver must develop learned behaviors to replace the instincts we have as air breathing land dwelling mamals. If a diver doesn't do this then you're right and things just happen. We develop those skills shallow and then take the tools deep.

People don't get it.
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

Just about every recreational diver I have ever seen hurt (other than heart attacks) was because of panick. It always seems to be stupid stuff that causes divers to panick. This relates to training and skill. A diver must develop learned behaviors to replace the instincts we have as air breathing land dwelling mamals.
Panic is the killer. I sometimes feel that panic is something that is part of some peoples nature more than others. My youngest son is steady and I've never seen him panic regardless of what happens. My older son panics in situtations that surprise me. Even canoeing. I have discouraged my older son from diving every time he talks about it. I don't think you could get him to survive diving long enough to get him past the panic. The two intros I've done with him in a shallow pool convinced me of that.

Don't you agree that some people should never dive?

I am glad to hear the Gilboa diver survived his panic attack.
This is the diver in question from Gilboa. Thank you to all of you for your concern, and to those who seem to know more about the incident that I do. PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. THIS IS HOW RUMORS GET STARTED AND RUIN PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES.

FACTS: 1. I am not in my late 50s. 2. I was at 110'+ not 80' 3. I did not drop my weights. 4. I did not have a heart attack. I have talked to Mike at Gilboa and told him in no uncertain terms that he nor the quarry were responsible for my accident. My dive shop or instructors were not at fault. It was my error and mine alone.

I would like to thank Mike and the quarry staff, the divers that did my CPR (I DID NOT HAVE PADDLES USED ON ME), and my resusitation, the paramedics, sheriff's department, air support and hospital staff in Lima. Without their quick action, I would not be here. :) :)

My wife and I don't know everyone's names, but would like to thank those involved from the bottom of our hearts.
jackpotdt once bubbled...
This is the diver in question from Gilboa. Thank you to all of you for your concern, and to those who seem to know more about the incident that I do. PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. THIS IS HOW RUMORS GET STARTED AND RUIN PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES.

FACTS: 1. I am not in my late 50s. 2. I was at 110'+ not 80' 3. I did not drop my weights. 4. I did not have a heart attack. I have talked to Mike at Gilboa and told him in no uncertain terms that he nor the quarry were responsible for my accident. My dive shop or instructors were not at fault. It was my error and mine alone.

I would like to thank Mike and the quarry staff, the divers that did my CPR (I DID NOT HAVE PADDLES USED ON ME), and my resusitation, the paramedics, sheriff's department, air support and hospital staff in Lima. Without their quick action, I would not be here. :) :)

My wife and I don't know everyone's names, but would like to thank those involved from the bottom of our hearts.

Welcome back.

I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery.
Welcome back! Glad to see you're okay.

What happened?

jackpotdt once bubbled...
This is the diver in question from Gilboa. Thank you to all of you for your concern, and to those who seem to know more about the incident that I do. PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. THIS IS HOW RUMORS GET STARTED AND RUIN PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES.

FACTS: 1. I am not in my late 50s. 2. I was at 110'+ not 80' 3. I did not drop my weights. 4. I did not have a heart attack. I have talked to Mike at Gilboa and told him in no uncertain terms that he nor the quarry were responsible for my accident. My dive shop or instructors were not at fault. It was my error and mine alone.

I would like to thank Mike and the quarry staff, the divers that did my CPR (I DID NOT HAVE PADDLES USED ON ME), and my resusitation, the paramedics, sheriff's department, air support and hospital staff in Lima. Without their quick action, I would not be here. :) :)

My wife and I don't know everyone's names, but would like to thank those involved from the bottom of our hearts.
good to see you are still with us and able to dive....what happened during your class that cause you to have problems?

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