Giant Squid Filmed Live!

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Craig Baumann:
I hate to sound so darn serious. After all, who really cares if Bigfoot is real or not? I suppose however, we could ask the same question of anything people have seen, or had profound experiences with... Is God real? Are ghosts real?

As I said before, unless you have spent time in, or near the mountains and forests in the Pacific Northwest, it's difficult to imagine how things can exist out there without detection.


:eek:fftopic: :hijack: :eek:fftopic:

You are comparing one animal that we know exists with another that despite the best efforts of countless authors and *experts* can not be verified.

I grew up in the Pacific NW, my father was a forest Ranger at the time, and we spent generally 4~8 weeks a year camping at places like Cultus lake (boat camping), Odel lake, Cascade lake, and many others. We hiked countless miles marking trails. Never saw hide nor hair of Bigfoot, nor did any of my fathers co-workers who spent more time in the back country in a year than most will in a lifetime.

In any event, there are very few animals (any?) that live in the US that don't leave solid evidence behind. Heck, even the giant Squid has left plenty of evidence that they exist even though they live in a vast environment that very few people will ever see, and those that do will see very little.

As to comparing beliefs like God to Animals that roam the earth, it's just apples to oranges. If you believe in God, you may see him in everything, if you don't, than there is certainly no evidence other than belief, and I'd say the same is true with ghosts.

I've certainly spent enough time in the wilderness as a boy, and as a man to know that it is easy to let the imagination get control. Maybe I'm wrong, and Bigfoot is around every bend watching us, :monkeydan :monkeydan but I kinda doubt it. For now, BigFoot is... :missing:
Craig Baumann:
Giant Squid vs Bigfoot

dang... i thought you were promoting a fight and taking bets

that would be sweet, dude (first we need to find a Bigfoot ... but, as you say, they're everywhere so it should be easy)

hmmmm... who would i put my money on?

they who have ears to hear, let them hear the H2Andiness within themselves
...I just belched!?? Andy, what does this mean?... :popcorn:
dang... i thought you were promoting a fight and taking bets

that would be sweet, dude (first we need to find a Bigfoot ... but, as you say, they're everywhere so it should be easy)

hmmmm... who would i put my money on?


I'd take odds on Squidward Tentacles!

:monkeydan VS. :eek:ctopus:
Please click HERE while reading this thread.
While wildlife adventure and explorer buffs have tried expensive, media-blitzed techniques in "all or nothing" expeditions, Dr. Kubodera (a cephalopod specialist), has been quietly implementing his low-key baitcam program for years. His immediate goals aren't to get pretty in situ photos, but comprise more practical objectives (fresh tissues, establishing a viable contact technique). In this he has been greatly successful. His research is not to pander to National Geographic-style exposes, and it is highly inappropriate for his work to be viewed as such.

But now that he's found and caught these squids, avoiding the *public glam* is no doubt a real problem. I fully expect that the man is being hounded by everyone from big name wildlife photographers to enraptured college students wanting "field internships". Dang, just filtering out his email inbox must be an infernal chore now.
I'd take odds on Squidward Tentacles!

:monkeydan VS. :eek:ctopus:

well if we are going down that road i'll play the britsh trump card enter Nessie, cos thats real honest....

Midnight Star:
Ywah! ... Iht's Ghodzillwah!

my bet is on Godzilla, 7 to 3, by two touchdowns!!!
Craig Baumann:
When I arrived in Oregon in 1973, I began studying the Bigfoot phenomenon. I also became interested in every wilderness experience here I could partake in, and since I was often in forest areas in the Cascade mountains where Bigfoot is believed to make his home, I read no fewer than 20 books on the subject to try to understand what I may be up against - what there was out there in the mountain forests which I may encounter. Three of these books were filled with firsthand accounts of people who had seen Bigfoot males, females, Bigfoot young or even entire families together. Native American culture also includes stories of the creature Northwest Indians called, saskwatch. Even law enforcement agents here have seen them. One county in Washington state, has outlawed the hunting of Bigfoot. At the base of Mt. St. Helens 70 miles from Portland in the south central part of Washington state is an area called Ape Canyon, after its many Bigfoot sightings.

The more I read, and especially the more time I spend in the mountains here, the more I become convinced Bigfoot is real. There are literally thousands of square miles in Oregon and Washington state alone, that are seldom visited by humans were small groups of Bigfoot could live. Some sightings occurred a mere 20 miles from downtown Portland, rural farmland into which these creatures sometime mistakenly wonder.

Today around the world (Bigfoot is not simply confined to the mountains of N. California, Oregon, Washington state and British Columbia) sightings average one per week.
I'm into cryptozoology and think there's definitely some very remarkable creatures we haven't yet discovered, but I have my doubts about Bigfoot... Mostly because that there are so many similar creatures reported around the globe- the yeti in the Himalayas, the SkunkApe in the American Southwest, the Yowie in Australia, and other sightings in Malaysia, China, South America, etc.
I would think it's more likely for such a remarkable large creature to be living in one small part of the world, like the Pacific Northwest, but when it's apparently spotted around the globe, I have to think it's some sort of archetypal phenomenon or folk legend, kind of like fairies or dragons, which is something else that just about every culture has its own version of around the world.

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