I think it makes a lot of sense to have two classes, or perhaps three. IF you put an OW skills class into the sequence, you can do two cave classes -- one gives you access to the mainline in large passage with no deco (or maybe one navigational decision, as NAUI does, which might even cover all that a lot of infrequent cave divers ever want to do). The second one gives you entry into complex navigation and smaller passage. If you don't put an OW skills class in, Cavern has to be that, given that most people coming out of the recreational diving world do not have cave-compatible diving skills to begin with. Then the sequence is Cavern, do a bunch of practice, and then Intro and into the cave, and then a last class to get the complex navigation. That would make sense to me. I actually like the NAUI progression the best of what's out there -- ASSUMING the student comes into the process with cave-quality open water skills.