Regrettably, I took a DCI hit in Thailand over the holidays. After 10 hours in a recompression chamber and was as good as new, though doctors orders are keeping me above sea level for a minimum of six weeks.
Far from being a badge of honour, getting bent was a humbling (and a little frightening - especially the blurred vision and the fainting).
Be careful down there, you crazy cats, diving is getting safer (or so everybody keeps telling me) but as long as people keep diving there will be the odd one or two which get bent - and it might well be you or me, or your buddy or somebody on your boat.
By all means go diving (I am certainly not going to stop), but go easy and go prepared. Stay fit, give up smoking, avoid overly stenuous exercise before during and after diving (get your buddy to carry your tanks

), stay hydrated, plan your dives and dive your plans, carry an o2 set or know where the nearest one is, learn the symptoms of DCS/DCI and if in doubt begin treatment immediately (denial is common - I had all of the classic symptoms and still thought that I could NOT be bent, but I was and my denial delayed my treatment), and finally make sure that you have insurance!