Georgia Aquarium dive, worth it?

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I took my daughter to Epcot for her first dive after her cert and it was great. If you go to the G. A. website you can watch the divers on the webcam. The Manta Rays like to do loop d loops in the divers bubbles. It looks life fun.
I just called today and was quoted $325 for the 30 minute dive.
Does anyone know of any discounts?
I know Disney has them for their EPCOT Dive but they are not advertised.

I did the EPCOT dive 2-3 years ago. It was fun but wasn't "oh my god" great.

Been to Disney twice since then and didn't go do the dive again. But I will some day so my kid can see me diving.

But it did re-enforce that I wasn't willing to pay $300 bucks to dive in an aquarium. So NO, I don't think it's worth it. Especially not for 30 minutes.

I'd think the $300 would be better spent (in my opinion) on one of the other things mentioned here, such as diving the Oriskany or a Cavern Class or something else.
To me it would be like paying 300 bucks to go to the zoo. I would much rather pay to see them in a natural environment, but to each his own.
I just did this dive last Friday and it was one of the coolest things I've ever done. Forget the whale sharks, they are like giant floating cows. They were cool, but the great hammerheads were even better. If you are a shark person, like me, you can see multiple types. For divers who need to get over a shark phobia, like me as well, this is a good dive to get much closer and much more personal than you would in the wild. (unless you were on a shark feeding charter). The manta rays also love playing in our bubbles overhead. This is an incredible chance to be around multiple pelagics in crystal clear vis. Hardcore divers can check their ego at the door because this is a dive to be simply enjoyed. One other thing, we got to stay down for 40 minutes on ours.:D

If I could pay $300 again and get that close to a great hammerhead, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Sure you could pay to see them in the wild, but try doing that for under $2,000 minimum.

This is a great experience!
I'll be going down to the GA Aquarium at the end of February to do the dive. After reading the reviews and especially what Bluesoxdiver said I'm really excited. I have inky dive quarry's and the Florida springs so my exposure to salt water animals is none other than what I see art the zoo. I know this thread is old but ill be sure to give an update on my thoughts about it.
I'm going with my local dive shop. They do the trip every year. In case you're interested, here's a video of them last year. Manta Ray dive in Georgia Aquarium 2/23/2013 with New Horizons Diving - YouTube
It lives....rrgghh....

I've done this dive. You'll enjoy it. But due to the cost, it's a once in a lifetime thing. Do it once, and you'll have done it enough. But, you're guaranteed to see whale sharks, mantas...and it's well worth it.

Bring your own mask. And bring something to get warm again; towel, sweatshirt, whiskey (no, don't, they'll take it). They make sure you'll be out in 30 minutes because you dive in 68 degree water in a three mil suit.

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