Question Tips for Georgia Aquarium dive in Atlanta?

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Reaction score
Livermore, Calif.
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi, I’m diving in the aquarium, does anyone have any tips? Can you interact with people watching the tank from the aquarium? Any good spots to hang out and watch animals make their circuits? Good places to go afterwards for shrimp and grits? (Kidding! Mostly.) Thanks!
I've never done the dive. I look forward to your review.
It is a fun dive. The staff at the aquarium will answer the questions about where to go. Remember to stay out of the way of the whale sharks. They weigh the same as a truck and will not stop!

You can interact with the people on the other side of the glass. They see you and you see them.

Many good restaurants in the area. We stayed a couple nights. Cannot help specifically with the shrimp and grits.

World of Coca Cola is fun. Sampling all of the different products from over the years and different countries. Make sure you try the Beverly. :D
yes. tell us all about it when you are done. i have been wanting to do this for years.
Hi, I’m diving in the aquarium, does anyone have any tips? Can you interact with people watching the tank from the aquarium? Any good spots to hang out and watch animals make their circuits? Good places to go afterwards for shrimp and grits? (Kidding! Mostly.) Thanks!
You are going to have a blast. As @parzdiver says the whale sharks are really big. They and the mantas tend to circle swim in the tank so park yourself done in one spot and let them come to you. After a few minutes of getting the awe under control the DMs let us swim around on our own. The sharks tended to stay near the bottom, while the turtles were all over the place. Interacting with the visitors through the windows was fun especially with the kids. The tank seemed bigger than what I expected, but you won’t get lost. There is a moving walkway in a clear tunnel that divides the tank. My only regret is that I could have stayed all day there. As it was runtime was about 50 minutes. Our entire family including my youngest 15 yo son really enjoyed it and we all were envious of the people that worked there. They were a top notch crew. We were there fall 2021
I did this dive a few months ago…here’s my write up…

The Basics​

  • Book a reservation at least a few months in advance
  • Make sure your details are correct like height, weight, sizes because your rental gear will be based on it
  • This is a full "VIP" experience, more on this later
  • You'll need to also buy a ticket for the aquarium itself
  • You can bring your own mask and computer, nothing else...but do not have too..they will give you a mask if you need
  • Must be OW certified
  • Fill out the online waiver to speed up checkin

Checking In / First Hour​

  • Show up on the 2nd floor checkin desk at least 30min before your reserved time
  • A divemaster (red shirt) will show up and confirm your physical particulars (height, weight, sizes) and your certification
  • If they have enough volunteers that day, any non-diver friends/family can get a behind the scene tour for free
  • You will be guided to a "back stage" door and given a quick briefing on wet flooring and then in you go to the small training room / office
  • If you didn't bring a buddy you will pair up with someone so they can create a two-by-two dive conga line you are about to do


Suiting Up and Descent​

  • You'll be diving a Jacket BCD (seac) and a traditional hose configuration
  • You will be provided a wetsuit and boots to put on in the locker room
  • The water temperature is ~75F
  • Weights are pre-installed into the BCD based on the measurements you gave when you signed up (it was spot on for me!)
  • Once suited, walk out...pickup your disinfected and defogged mask (and computer) and walk to the dock and find the BCD with your name next to it and sit down with legs off the side of the dock in the water.
  • Put on your fins and wait until someone comes to help you into your pre-configured gear...which is strange to be honest...this is "VIP" diving and I don't like it.
  • Wait until you are pointed at and forward roll into the water
  • Give the OK sign and the divemaster will descend with you and then have you kneel in a line while everyone else descends and joins you.

The Dive​

  • You will have (1) divemaster/leader, (1) safety diver and (1) videographer
  • My SPG had 2100 PSI when I started as did my "buddy" and I ended with ~1000 PSI on a ~35min it wasn't a mistake
  • This is a HIGHLY orchestrated dive. The divemaster will head off and the safety diver will point at each pair and tell you to follow about 6ft apart.
  • You must stay in the bottom third of the water column because of the whale shark and manta rays
  • At least three times during the dive (beginning, middle and end) you will be asked to kneel on the sand, check PSI and signal OK to the divemaster
  • The dive plan involves at least 3 photo opportunities that do not involve the "for pay" videographer.
  • After descent, you will move from the shallow end of the aquarium to the deep side by crossing over the underwater tunnel.
  • You will then do two circuits in front of the large gallery window
  • When you head back for ascent, you will cross over the underwater tunnel again


After the dive​

  • You will exit via a ladder, a divemaster will ask about your dive and how you feel and then another divemaster will remove your BCD for you.
  • You head to the locker room to shower and remove your wetsuit and change back into your street clothes
  • Once everyone is ready, you head back to the classroom
  • "Free" stickers and Tshirts are handed out and you get to watch the video that was taken of your dive. Yes..of your dive...not a stock video.
  • You will be pitched to purchase the video and any other swag you want like more Tshirts, hats, etc
  • The entire experience lasts about 3 hours with ~35min in water
I hear people talk about this dive but I've never considered it. It always makes me so sad thinking about whale sharks being kept in an aquarium.
I understand your perspective, but those particular whale sharks would have been killed in Taiwan had they not been taken to the aquarium.

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