Funniest Diving quotes you have heard

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Computers can be quite amusing when they think you are bent.

I remember after a dive we had problems freeing our anchor (in about 45 feet of water), so I popped on a mask and fins and free dived down and shook it loose (yes, yes, I know - free diving after scuba diving is not wise...).

When I got down I realised I still had my ultra-conservative Suunto on my wrist. It wasn't happy at me being back down 10 minutes after my last dive, but it went ballistic when I finally got the anchor free and shot back the surface like a bullet out of a gun (I would estimate my ascent rate at about 20 feet per second, or 1,200 feet per minute). Bleeping and flashing and spewing out warnings of imminent death.

I thought it was going to start swearing at me by the time I got back to the boat. Then it finally shut up and refused to talk to me at all. Bit like my wife really.
Sounds like the time we "bent" hubby's computer! He did a wet dive the day I did my chamber dive... The chamber operator told us to bring our computers in to the chamber and we could check their accuracy on depth.

Darn thing didn't like the 20 minute SI... started beeping and drove us all nuts even after I burried it under blankets.

After we "surfaced" it shut down and flashed SOS for 3 days! Reckoned it wasn't going to dive with a dead guy!
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We're going on a deep, night, wreck penetration dive with a buoyant ascent finish...

What idiot said that? I want to make sure to never dive with them!
On a boat in the Bahamas gearing up for a dive.....

DM: Anybody want some defogger? <holding small bottle applying to his mask>
All Divers: No...<head shaking> Uh.uh..
DM: Really? I stayed up all night spitting in this little bottle for nothing?

He wasn't much for safety but he was one of the most entertaining DMs I've been out with. He had several funnies like that but it's the only one I can remember.
from instructor - "hardest part about diving in a drysuit is remembering not to pee"
And herein lies the (one of the) reason drinking and diving is NOT a good idea. BTW, it's a real pain to wash out and dry the inside of a Jetsuit.
text convo between a non diver and i!

Me: Me in a wet suit is sooo unflattering! Tight neoprene, Snotty nose, Wet, Messy hair!
Guy: Still wouldn't mind perving!
Me: Okay...whatever floats your boat!
Guy: It would definitely keep me buoyant!

Dunno I found it very funny while at work =}...not so much now !
Preparing for a dive on a boat near Maui, the boat captain noticed that the tank strap on my BC was a little loose. In order to tighten the strap he gruffly ordered me to "approach the rail and bend over."

I asked him if he'd like to buy me a drink first.
"Taucher sind Männer großer Muskelkraft, mit gesunden Organen. Taucher sind Männer hoher geistiger Kraft, von Verstand und einwandfreier Moral" Hermann Stelznar, 1931


Divers are men of strength, with healthy organs. Divers are men of strong mind, intelligent and with impeccable morality.

The quote is from a diving manual from 1931.

This quote is keeping the front page of my logbook interesting for my fellow divers, now joined by the unexploded goat from the beginning of the thread...

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