I don't think Mike will lose too much business from gas prices, what will hurt him is the fall off in numbers of students. Not sure about other areas, but Detroiters are pinching things pretty tight right now and descretionary spending for scuba probably won't be very high this summer. Those of us with equipment don't have much issue with that part we have already paid our money to get gear. I haven't stopped into my LDS for a while (been busy) so I don't know if things are going slow or not for them.
I wonder how many marginal dive shops will survive the recession hitting the area, if they fail, that will mean even fewer students and that will hurt Mike and all the quaries more than the cost of gas.
As for me, I dive Gilboa in the spring and fall when its not busy, and Whitestar in the summer. The price of gas isn't much of an issue, getting dive buddies together for diving is a much bigger issue. I can make it to/from Gilboa on about 10 gallons of gas, even a $1.00 increase only adds about $10 to the travel, not really that big of a deal to me.
I do like the idea of doing some charters up in Huron as something different to do. Might not be a bad idea to start planning a few of those
I wonder how many marginal dive shops will survive the recession hitting the area, if they fail, that will mean even fewer students and that will hurt Mike and all the quaries more than the cost of gas.
As for me, I dive Gilboa in the spring and fall when its not busy, and Whitestar in the summer. The price of gas isn't much of an issue, getting dive buddies together for diving is a much bigger issue. I can make it to/from Gilboa on about 10 gallons of gas, even a $1.00 increase only adds about $10 to the travel, not really that big of a deal to me.
I do like the idea of doing some charters up in Huron as something different to do. Might not be a bad idea to start planning a few of those